American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Clinical Pharmacists on Capitol Hill, Part 1: ACCP Members Take Action to Support PGY1 Residency Funding

Over 1300 ACCP members and supporters recently mobilized in support of Senate action to protect pass-through funding for postgraduate year one (PGY1) residency programs. Thank you for taking action on this important issue!

Since 2019, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has implemented changes to its auditing procedures for clinical pharmacy residency programs without updating its regulations or providing guidance on how residency programs can stay in compliance with these auditing procedures.

Medicare pass-through funding for PGY1 residency programs is critical to ensuring the sustainability of the clinical pharmacy profession. However, under these burdensome Medicare auditing procedures, many PGY1 residency programs have been stripped of funding.

In the Senate, Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) led an effort that called for a subcommittee of the Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations Committee to include language directing CMS to provide clear guidance before clawing back residency funding.

As noted earlier, an impressive 1300 ACCP members and supporters recently came together to urge members of the Senate to support Senator Klobuchar’s initiative. Did your senator sign the PGY1 funding letter? Click here to find out!