American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Support the 2023 ACCP-PAC PRN Challenge! (November 13, 2023)

ACCP-PAC dollars help support our organization-wide advocacy effort of focusing on integrating coverage and payment for clinical pharmacists’ services as part of evolving, team-based payment models, within Medicare and across the spectrum of health payers.

As part of the celebration of our 2023 Annual Meeting, we hope that PRN members will demonstrate their commitment to the College’s advocacy priorities by contributing to ACCP’s Political Action Committee (ACCP-PAC).

How the Challenge Works

The ACCP-PAC PRN Challenge will determine which PRN provides the greatest PAC support. PRN members who make a PAC contribution online will be provided with an option to designate a PRN to receive credit for their contribution.

  • The challenge will recognize two winners:
    • The PRN whose members contribute the most money in total.
    • The PRN with the highest percentage of members who contribute to the PAC.
  • PRN PAC Captains will serve as liaisons between the PAC and their PRN and help drive our fundraising effort.
  • ACCP Members who belong to multiple PRNs can make multiple contributions in the name of each PRN, but only one PRN can receive credit for any single contribution.
  • The winning PRNs will be awarded a preferential meeting slot at a future ACCP Annual Meeting.

ACCP’s Political Action Committee (PAC) allows the College to participate in political campaign activities that strengthen our relationships with key policy makers on Capitol Hill. Providing financial support to influential leaders helps raise the profile of clinical pharmacy and demonstrates ACCP’s ideological commitment to our core mission.

To maximize our impact, we must be strategic in targeting our limited resources on those health policy leaders best placed to advance our agenda. Here’s how ACCP’s leaders decide who should receive financial support.

Consistent with all ACCP’s initiatives, ACCP-PAC is member driven and is managed by a Governing Council which is responsible for decisions related to how PAC money is spent.

  • ACCP-PAC is non-partisan – we are committed to working with health policy leaders across all political parties and ideologies
  • We support candidates based on their alignment with ACCP’s mission to advance the profession and improve human health through research, training, and education
  • We strategically target Members of Congress who sit on committees with jurisdiction over health care. In the Senate we primarily support members on the Finance Committee and the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee. In the House, we focus on those who sit on the Ways and Means Committee and the Energy and Commerce Committee
  • ACCP-PAC is committed to transparency - all contributions are reported to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and the information is available to the public.

Visit to contribute now or visit us in person at the 2023 Annual Meeting to learn more.


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