American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Sun-50 - Pediatric Advanced Life Support Training Course for Pharmacists

Scientific Poster Session II - Clinical Pharmacy Forum

Clinical Pharmacy Forum
  Sunday, November 12, 2023
  12:45 PM–02:15 PM


Service or Program:

Our institution created a Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) simulation course for pharmacists. The course was developed by pharmacy leadership specializing in both pediatrics and emergency response. It consists of an interactive electronic education session and a hands-on activity in a simulation center. It is offered to pharmacists reporting to PALS activations. Activities during the course include learning what equipment and medications are in the code cart and where to find them, reviewing common medication doses, utilizing dosing guides and tools in the code cart to aid in preparing medications and practicing closed loop communication.

The goal of the course is to enhance comfort in the following areas:

  1. Attending a pediatric code activation
  2. Knowledge of pediatric code activation policies and procedures
  3. Dosing pediatric medications
  4. Preparing pediatric medications
  5. Interacting with pediatric code activation team


A 2022 Root Cause Analysis identified that PALS certified pharmacists at our institution did not feel prepared when reporting to a PALS activation. The recommended solution was to implement a course to provide pharmacy-specific skills training in order to fill the gaps of pharmacist confidence and knowledge during PALS activations. A quality improvement project looking at the first cohort of participants found that comfort on a 5-point scale in five measured areas (listed above) increased by at least one point from baseline following the course.


Any institution with potential PALS activations could benefit from a similar program. The content and applied skills are applicable to most patients under 50 kg in weight.


At institutions with PALS activations, all PALS certified pharmacists would benefit from ongoing hands-on programming. Newer employees would also benefit from initial hands-on training as they work on gaining real-life experience.

Presenting Author

Michelle Barrie PharmD
Mayo Clinic Rochester


Christopher Arendt PharmD
Mayo Clinic - Rochester

Tanner Melton PharmD
Mayo Clinic Rochester

Jamie Heyliger PharmD
Mayo Clinic - Rochester

April Tepfer PharmD
Mayo Clinic Rochester

Kamryn Storm PharmD
Mayo Clinic - Eau Claire


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