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Sun-5 - Evaluation of a pharmacist-driven sleep promotion program

Scientific Poster Session II: Residents and Fellows Research-in-Progress

Residents and Fellows Research in Progress
  Sunday, November 12, 2023
  12:45 PM–02:15 PM


Introduction: Sleep in the hospital is frequently disrupted and often by modifiable factors. When addressing poor sleep in the hospital, pharmacologic sleep aids are often prescribed before implementing non-pharmacologic strategies. The purpose of this initiative is to determine if pharmacist-led initiation of a non-pharmacologic sleep promotion order set improves quality of sleep in an adult internal medicine population.

Research Question or Hypothesis: We hypothesize that utilization of a sleep promotion order set will lead to improved sleep quality as measured by the modified Richards-Campbell Sleep Questionnaire (mRCSQ).

Study Design: This is a prospective, single-center, before-and-after quality improvement project.

Methods: Patients admitted to the adult internal medicine service with an active order for a pharmacologic sleep aid are considered for inclusion. Internal medicine clinical pharmacy specialists conduct a baseline sleep assessment using the mRCSQ. Pharmacists then recommend initiation of the sleep promotion order set. A second mRCSQ is conducted 2 to 5 nights after sleep promotion order set activation. The mean difference in mRCSQ for individual patients before and after sleep promotion order set utilization will be compared using Wilcoxon signed rank-test. P-values less than 0.05 will be considered statistically significant.

Results: This project is ongoing, and results are pending. The median difference in mRCSQ scores pre- and post-intervention will be analyzed and presented. Individual components of the mRCSQ scores between pre- and post-intervention will also be analyzed.

Conclusion: It is anticipated that this project will demonstrate the utility of pharmacist-led initiation of a non-pharmacologic sleep promotion order set on improved quality of sleep in an adult internal medicine population.

Presenting Author

Alyssa Castillo PharmD
University of Maryland School of Pharmacy


Matthew Bathula PharmD
University of Maryland Medical Center

Sean Kelly PharmD
University of Maryland Medical Center

Nidhi Goel MD, MHS, FAAP, FACP
Brian Grover PharmD
Mojdeh Heavner PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP, FCCM
University of Maryland School of Pharmacy

Asha Tata PharmD, BCPS
University of Maryland Medical Center

Hyunuk Seung MS
Jennifer So MD
University of Maryland Baltimore


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