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Mon-22 - The Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics/Pharmacogenomics (PK/PD/PG) Practice and Research Network (PRN) 2023 Update

Scientific Poster Session III - PRN Contributed Posters

PRN Contributed Posters
  Monday, November 13, 2023
  01:00 PM–02:30 PM


The Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) Practice and Research Network (PRN) was established in 1977 and was expanded to include pharmacogenomics (PG) in 2011 secondary to increasing member interest. The PK/PD/PG PRN consists of 280 members including clinicians, scientists, and trainees. Over the past few years, the PRN has focused on enhancing PRN programing to increase member engagement. Given the breadth of member interests, the PRN Outreach Committee has developed a rotational programming plan covering topics such as novel PK/PD/PG clinical practices, member research presentations, journal clubs, and a career path panel. Additionally, the PRN has hosted and is planning specialty sessions to highlight new clinical practice guidelines in PG from the Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium. The PRN started recording webinars and archiving them on the PRN webpage to accommodate members unable to attend live. Events over the past few years have been well attended and involved engaging discussions. For PRN trainees, the annual Fall PRN Career Path Panel session provides an opportunity to learn about careers in PK/PD/PG and interact with experts in the field. The PRN also maintains a database of graduate and post-graduate PK/PD/PG-focused programs on the PRN webpage. At the 2023 Annual Meeting the PRN Programming Committee partnered with the Hematology/Oncology PRN on a focus session centering around the clinical application of PG in cancer treatment and supportive care as well as key PG implementation considerations in oncology practice. The PK/PD/PG PRN will also be represented in the Career Path Roundtable session at the annual meeting. Since PK/PD/PG has applications across different specialties, the PRN plans to network programming more broadly across ACCP in the future as novel PK/PD/PG-related practices, research, or new clinical guidelines may be of interest to other groups.

Presenting Author

Amy Pasternak PharmD
University of Michigan College of Pharmacy


Jacob T. Brown PharmD, MS
University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy

Teresa Ho PharmD
Moffitt Cancer Center


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