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Mon-96 - Assessing the Impact of Drug Take-Back Programs in West Texas

Scientific Poster Session III: Students Research-in-Progress

Students Research in Progress
  Monday, November 13, 2023
  01:00 PM–02:30 PM



The drug overdose epidemic in the United States is a clear and present public health issue that remains a prevalent concern in West Texas as poisonings remain the leading cause of preventable injury-related death nationwide. Therefore, it is important for all clinical pharmacists to promote the proper disposal of unused or expired medications. Due to the rural and diffuse disposition of many West Texas communities, limited opportunities exist for this population to have access to safe disposal of unneeded medications. The Medication Cleanout events currently hosted in Lubbock County, Potter County, and Taylor County demonstrate a commitment to West Texans’ safety and health by prioritizing the safe disposal of unneeded medications as a measure of preventing medication misuse and abuse.

Research Question or Hypothesis:

The goal of this research project is to assess the impact of the West Texas Medication Cleanout events and to determine the trends in opioid-related poison center calls in the three counties in which these events are hosted.

Study Design:

A quantitative retrospective research design was used.


Utilizing Texas Health Data, data regarding opioid-related poison center calls was extracted for Lubbock, Potter, and Taylor County from 2009-2022. Data was obtained from the director of the Medication Cleanout events for all three event locations (Lubbock, Potter, and Taylor County) in order to evaluate trends in the collection during these take-back events from the fall of 2009 to the fall of 2023.


This research is ongoing as the fall 2023 events will take place in September and October 2023.


As medication misuse remains a prevalent public health issue, it is important to understand the role that the Medication Cleanout events play in addressing health disparities related to drug misuse in West Texas. Furthermore, it is important for pharmacists to be aware of medication take-back events in their respective communities.

Presenting Author

Cheyanna Petty Bachelors of Biochemistry
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center


Sarah Neal Horne Masters of Public Health, Masters of Public Administration
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center


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