American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Leadership Primer, II

Sunday, November 12, 2023 from 1:45 PM to 3:45 PM CST at Lone Star Ballroom A3

Available for 2.00 hours of CPE credit
Activity Number: 0217-0000-23-176-L04-P
Activity Type: An Application-Based Activity

All Annual Meeting registrants are welcome to attend this session.

This module is the second installment of the Leadership Primer. Attendees are encouraged to attend the Leadership Primer, I before participating in this module.

Please note: If attendees are enrolled or plan to enroll in the Leadership and Management Academy, this session counts toward Academy credit. In order to receive Leadership and Management Academy credit, Academy enrollees must sign in during the session.


Robert E. Smith, Pharm.D.Speaker: Robert E. Smith, Pharm.D.
Title: Leadership Primer, II
Institution: Auburn University
City/State: Pima, AZ

Peter D. Hurd, Ph.D.Speaker: Peter D. Hurd, Ph.D.
Title: Leadership Primer, II
Institution: Peter D. Hurd
City/State: Saint Louis, MO

Learning Objectives
1. Describe the components of becoming a leader (Warren Bennis).
2. Apply concepts and theories from the leadership literature to pharmacy settings.
3. Describe the various attributes of leadership development.
4. Apply concepts and theories from organizational behavior literature to pharmacy settings.
5. Evaluate the use of principle-centered power in the pharmacy environment.


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