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Pediatrics PRN Focus Session — Minimizing Antimicrobial Misuse: Stewardship Across the Pediatric Health System

Sunday, November 12, 2023 from 2:15 PM to 3:45 PM CST at Lone Star Ballroom A2

Available for 1.50 hours of CPE credit
Activity Number: 0217-0000-23-144-L01-P
Activity Type: A Knowledge-Based Activity

The Pediatrics PRN is excited to present the 2023 Pediatric Focus Session entitled Minimizing Antimicrobial Misuse: Stewardship across the Pediatric Health System. This session aims to address three important pediatric topics. First, the session will provide a review of recent literature related to the overuse of antibiotics in the management of bronchiolitis in the inpatient setting, as well as the evidence supporting utility of inflammatory markers and other diagnostic methods to distinguish bacterial from viral respiratory infections. Next, our speakers will summarize recent data supporting the reduced dosing or duration of antibiotic therapy in the management of common pediatric infections, with particular attention to therapy decisions occurring during transitions of care and in the ambulatory setting. Finally, speakers will describe strategies for the identification of potentially inappropriate antimicrobial allergies and to provide guidance for safe allergy de-labeling practices for pediatric patients in the outpatient setting. The session’s target audience includes all pediatric pharmacists in both the inpatient and outpatient settings who care for infants and children with active infections or reported antibiotic-related allergic responses. It is the purpose of this session to provide the pharmacist with the knowledge and tools to appropriately address the increasing burden of antimicrobial resistance in pediatric patients.


Lucas Orth, Pharm.D., BCPPSModerator: Lucas Orth, Pharm.D., BCPPS
Title: Pediatrics PRN Focus Session — Minimizing Antimicrobial Misuse: Stewardship Across the Pediatric Health System
Institution: University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy
City/State: Aurora, CO

Learning Objectives
1. Describe current evidence for the involvement of respiratory bacteria in bronchiolitis and concurrent infections.
2. Discuss proposed strategies for use of diagnostic biomarkers to determination of respiratory infection etiology and selection of corresponding therapies.
3. Recognize opportunities for antimicrobial stewardship during transitions of care.
4. Review the appropriateness of empiric modification of antibiotic regimens prescribed for common pediatric infections in the ambulatory setting.
5. Identify differences between true IgE-mediated allergies and other antibiotic-related adverse drug reactions.
6. Outline potential approaches for implementation of allergy stewardship in a pediatric ambulatory setting.
7. Summarize strategies the pediatric pharmacy practitioner can implement to reduce unnecessary antimicrobial resistance in children.

Stewardship Starts Young: Curbing Antimicrobial Misuse in the Management of Bronchiolitis and Concurrent Infections

2:15 PM to 2:45 PM
Kailynn DeRonde, Pharm.D., BCIDPSpeaker: Kailynn DeRonde, Pharm.D., BCIDP
Title: Stewardship Starts Young: Curbing Antimicrobial Misuse in the Management of Bronchiolitis and Concurrent Infections
Institution: Holtz Women and Children's Hospital, Jackson Memorial Hospital
City/State: Miami, FL
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Changing the Course: Reducing Antimicrobial Exposure in Transitions of Care and Ambulatory Care Clinics

2:45 PM to 3:15 PM
Wiyanna K. K. Bruck, Pharm.D., BCIDP, BCPPS, BCPSSpeaker: Wiyanna K. K. Bruck, Pharm.D., BCIDP, BCPPS, BCPS
Title: Changing the Course: Reducing Antimicrobial Exposure in Transitions of Care and Ambulatory Care Clinics
Institution: East Tennessee Children's Hospital
City/State: Knoxville, TN
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Low Risk and High Reward: Outpatient Allergy Delabeling Opportunities

3:15 PM to 3:45 PM
Christine E. MacBrayne, Pharm.D., MSCS, BCIDPSpeaker: Christine E. MacBrayne, Pharm.D., MSCS, BCIDP
Title: Low Risk and High Reward: Outpatient Allergy Delabeling Opportunities
Institution: Children's Hospital Colorado
City/State: Parker, CO
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