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Antiplatelets, Anticoagulants, and Adverse Effects, Oh My! Antithrombotic Therapy Controversies in Clinical Practice

Saturday, November 11, 2023 from 9:45 AM to 11:15 AM CST at Lone Star Ballroom C1

Available for 1.50 hours of CPE credit
Activity Number: 0217-0000-23-107-L01-P
Activity Type: An Application-Based Activity

Anticoagulants remain one of the top three drug classes responsible for avoidable adverse drug events. Knowledge surrounding these medications, as well as skills for application, are paramount for optimal safe and effective management plans, particularly when applied to special populations and controversial settings. This session will explore several thrombosis-related clinical controversies the pharmacist clinician can relate to. Attendees  will learn how to pursue the best course of treatment in these contentious conundrums. Four 15-minute segments will be presented by expert panelists, focused on developing audience skills to deal with clinical controversies in antithrombotic management where there may be limited or flawed data to guide judgment. A 30-minute, case-based discussion will follow the four 15-minute segments where all four panelists will provide diverse perspectives on the application of the information to presented cases to solidify learning and allow for audience interaction. The sessions will cover topics in acute care (Alteplase vs. Tenecteplase for acute ischemic stroke, antiplatelet bridging, liver disease, and obesity) as well as ambulatory care (duration of dual antiplatelet therapy, use of genetic testing, combination anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy), and special populations (antiphospholipid syndrome, CKD/IHD, transcatheter aortic valve replacement).  


Sarah Hanigan Lewis, Pharm.D., BCCP, BCPSModerator: Sarah Hanigan Lewis, Pharm.D., BCCP, BCPS
Title: Antiplatelets, Anticoagulants, and Adverse Effects, Oh My! Antithrombotic Therapy Controversies in Clinical Practice
Institution: University of Michigan College of Pharmacy
City/State: Northville, MI

Learning Objectives
1. Differentiate patient characteristics and therapeutic areas that lead to uncertainties in the provision of antithrombotic therapy in clinical practice.
2. Evaluate available literature describing anticoagulation practices in special populations and controversial settings, such as obesity, hepatic disease, renal disease, and antiphospholipid syndrome.
3. Evaluate available literature describing current controversies in antiplatelet practices, such as duration and optimization of dual-antiplatelet therapy practices following intervention and combination therapy with anticoagulants.
4. Implement a process utilizing fibrinolytic therapy for acute ischemic stroke based on available information.
5. Formulate antiplatelet, anticoagulation, or fibrinolytic therapeutic regimens based on patient and disease state characteristics.
6. Design an antithrombotic therapy plan for special populations and/or controversial settings utilizing available literature and expert discussion.

Alteplase vs Tenecteplase for Stroke: Winner Take All?

9:45 AM to 10:00 AM
Karen Berger, Pharm.D., BCPSSpeaker: Karen Berger, Pharm.D., BCPS
Title: Alteplase vs Tenecteplase for Stroke: Winner Take All?
Institution: Nova Southeastern University
City/State: Boca Raton, FL
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Anticoagulation Controversies in the Setting of Obesity and/or Liver Disease

10:00 AM to 10:15 AM
James C. Coons, Pharm.D., FCCP, FACC, BCCPSpeaker: James C. Coons, Pharm.D., FCCP, FACC, BCCP
Title: Anticoagulation Controversies in the Setting of Obesity and/or Liver Disease
Institution: University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy
City/State: Gibsonia, PA
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Optimization of Antiplatelet Regimens in the Ambulatory Care Setting

10:15 AM to 10:30 AM
Craig J. Beavers, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCCP, BCPSSpeaker: Craig J. Beavers, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCCP, BCPS
Title: Optimization of Antiplatelet Regimens in the Ambulatory Care Setting
Institution: University of Kentucky Healthcare
City/State: Paducah, KY
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Navigating Kidney Disease, Hypercoagulable Disorders and Valve Replacement Anticoagulation in the Ambulatory Care Setting

10:30 AM to 10:45 AM
Tiffany Vatterrodt, Pharm.D., BCACPSpeaker: Tiffany Vatterrodt, Pharm.D., BCACP
Title: Navigating Kidney Disease, Hypercoagulable Disorders and Valve Replacement Anticoagulation in the Ambulatory Care Setting
Institution: Community Health Network
City/State: Fishers, IN
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Case-Based Panelist Q&A and Discussion

10:45 AM to 11:15 AM