American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Clinical Reasoning Series in Pharmacotherapy — Part One

Tuesday, November 14, 2023 from 8:30 AM to 11:45 AM CST at Lone Star Ballroom C1

The Clinical Reasoning Series aims to deliver programs that will meaningfully contribute to advancing pharmacy specialists’ knowledge, skills, and clinical judgment. Topic selection for the program reflects content that is timely and of relevance and value to the practice of Board Pharmacotherapy Specialists (BCPS).

Participants will have the opportunity to attend four educational activities, broken into a two-part morning and two-part afternoon session. Part One will offer 3.0 contact hours of continuing pharmacy education credit toward BCPS recertification credit upon completion of the required posttests by the submission deadline and achievement of a predetermined passing score. The posttests will be available on December 12, 2023. The deadline to submit posttests and earn recertification credit for the session will be December 12, 2024. If you have not already purchased posttest access and wish to add it to your registration, email [email protected] or visit the registration desk on or before November 14, 2023.


Jackie P. Rowe, Pharm.D., BCPSModerator: Jackie P. Rowe, Pharm.D., BCPS
Title: Clinical Reasoning Series in Pharmacotherapy — Part One
Institution: Sanofi
City/State: Hoboken, NJ

Pain Management in Persons with a Substance Related Disorder (SRD)

8:30 AM to 10:00 AM

Available for 1.50 hours of CPE credit
Activity Number: 0217-0000-23-120-L01-P
Activity Type: An Application-Based Activity

Pain Management in Persons with a Substance Related Disorder (SRD) will explore cutting-edge, contemporary therapeutic pain-management topics, and demonstrate scientifically sound clinical reasoning and decision-making within the realm of Substance Related Disorder. Pharmacotherapy specialists should leave the presentation with a better understanding of SRD and the use of non-stigmatize language and gain a clear understanding of MAT options and patient-specific considerations during initiation and follow up. Best practices for those requiring LTOT for chronic pain management and acute pain management during the perioperative period will also be discussed. The speaker will review options, including non-opioid medications and therapies, for those with an SRD and OUD, and examine current barriers to treatment. Attendees should be able to use the knowledge gained during the review of the materials presented and apply, as applicable, any skills gained during application-based activities where methodologies are put into practice and therapies designed through case studies.

Rebecca Hoss, Pharm.D., BCPPSpeaker: Rebecca Hoss, Pharm.D., BCPP
Title: Pain Management in Persons with a Substance Related Disorder (SRD)
Institution: UC Davis Health Ticon 1
City/State: Davis, CA
  View Biography

Learning Objectives
1. Practice person-first non-stigmatizing language in the treatment of chronic pain and Substance Related Disorders (SRDs).
2. Review the treatment of chronic pain with Long Term Opioid Therapy (LTOT) in persons with an SRD.
3. Examine barriers to Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for chronic pain and Opioid Use Disorder (OUD).
4. Design a treatment plan for the transition to buprenorphine in persons newly diagnosed with an SRD.
5. Formulate perioperative pain management strategies for persons with OUD on buprenorphine undergoing surgery.

Break in Programming

10:00 AM to 10:15 AM

Updates in Infectious Disease—Management of Multidrug Resistant Gram-Negative Infections

10:15 AM to 11:45 AM

Available for 1.50 hours of CPE credit
Activity Number: 0217-0000-23-121-L01-P
Activity Type: An Application-Based Activity

The Updates in Infectious Disease—Management of Multidrug Resistant Gram-Negative Infections will include a review of gram-negative organisms and resistance mechanisms, a comparison of current treatment guidelines, consensus statements, and literature, an evaluation of pharmacotherapy options, and the design of individualized treatment plans. Pharmacists must be familiar with the identification of these organisms, compare potential treatment options, and design effective individualized therapies for patients with multidrug-resistant gram-negative infections. This learning activity is designed to advance the participants' skills and abilities to critically evaluate the scientific evidence behind multidrug resistant gram-negative infections and their role in managing patient care in an infectious disease state.

Akshith Dass, Pharm.D., BCIDP, BCPSSpeaker: Akshith Dass, Pharm.D., BCIDP, BCPS
Title: Updates in Infectious Disease—Management of Multidrug Resistant Gram-Negative Infections
Institution: Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital
City/State: Akron, OH
  View Biography

Learning Objectives
1. Identify clinically significant gram-negative organisms and infection types.
2. Describe resistance mechanisms of multi-drug resistant (MDR) gram-negative bacteria including extended spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs), AmpC beta-lactamase, carbapenem resistance, and difficult-to-treat resistance mechanisms.
3. Evaluate guidelines for the treatment of MDR gram-negative infections.
4. Compare novel beta-lactams and beta-lactam inhibitor combination antibiotics used in the treatment of MDR gram-negative infections.
5. Design appropriate therapeutic regimens for treatment of MDR gram-negative infections.


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