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Comparing Apples and Oranges: What to Do When Guidelines Don’t Match

Sunday, November 12, 2023 from 2:15 PM to 6:15 PM CST at Lone Star Ballroom C1

Available for 4.00 hours of CPE credit
Activity Number: 0217-0000-23-110-L01-P
Activity Type: An Application-Based Activity

Guidelines developed to facilitate approaches to medical care, including the application of pharmacotherapy, provide evidence-based insights with graded recommendations on how to manage patients. Although based on the available evidence, the diversity of patients, limitations on clinical trials incorporated into the process, and development of guideline recommendations can create management decision challenges. They may not line up or match with other observations or experiences when utilized to create policy or directly apply these principles to patient care management decisions. Since guidelines are a key component in pharmacotherapy management, it is important to understand the development process, limitations of the recommendations, grading, and considerations for adapting to provide individualized, optimal patient care or application policy. This interactive session will explore how to understand the guideline development process, the critical assessment of these documents, and the ways to match and adapt them to craft optimal policy as well as allow individualized management decisions.

Learning Objectives
1. Explain the process by which guidelines are developed.
2. Apply external guidelines within institutional practice settings.
3. Evaluate how evidence is incorporated into guideline relevance and grading.
4. Formulate individualized patient care plans utilizing recommendations from guidelines.
5. Differentiate between opposing guideline recommendations.
6. Illustrate the limitations of guidelines when developing a patient care plan.
7. Defend a stance on the weight of randomized controlled trials in guideline development.
8. Evaluate patient care management gaps within available guidelines.
9. Explore application of guidelines to various practice settings.

Opening Remarks

2:15 PM to 2:25 PM
William E. Dager, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPSModerator: William E. Dager, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS
Title: Opening Remarks
Institution: UC Davis Medical Center
City/State: Shingle Springs, CA
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Developing a Guideline and Grading the Evidence

2:25 PM to 2:55 PM
Judith Jacobi, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCCCPSpeaker: Judith Jacobi, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCCCP
Title: Developing a Guideline and Grading the Evidence
City/State: Lebanon, IN

How Do I Adapt the Guidelines, Yet Individualize My Patient’s Care?

2:55 PM to 3:25 PM
Ellen Jones, Pharm.D., BCACPSpeaker: Ellen Jones, Pharm.D., BCACP
Title: How Do I Adapt the Guidelines, Yet Individualize My Patient’s Care?
Institution: Harding University College of Pharmacy
City/State: Searcy, AR
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Working with Guidelines and Developing a Policy

3:25 PM to 3:55 PM
Richard J. Artymowicz, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPSSpeaker: Richard J. Artymowicz, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS
Title: Working with Guidelines and Developing a Policy
Institution: Cape Regional Medical Center Inc
City/State: Ocean View, NJ
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Panel Discussion/Question & Answer – Part One

3:55 PM to 4:15 PM


4:15 PM to 4:30 PM

Opening Remarks

4:30 PM to 4:40 PM
William E. Dager, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPSModerator: William E. Dager, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS
Title: Opening Remarks
Institution: UC Davis Medical Center
City/State: Shingle Springs, CA
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Applying Conflicting Guidelines into Practice

4:40 PM to 5:15 PM
Joseph J. Saseen, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCACP, BCPSSpeaker: Joseph J. Saseen, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCACP, BCPS
Title: Applying Conflicting Guidelines into Practice
Institution: University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
City/State: Denver, CO
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Debate: Guidelines Should Only Be Based on RCTs - Pro

5:15 PM to 5:35 PM
Sarah A. Spinler, Pharm.D., FCCPSpeaker: Sarah A. Spinler, Pharm.D., FCCP
Title: Debate: Guidelines Should Only Be Based on RCTs - Pro
Institution: Binghamton University
City/State: Downingtown, PA
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Debate: Guidelines Should Be Based on RCT - Con

5:35 PM to 5:55 PM
Aaron J. Roberts, Pharm.D., BCCP, BCPSSpeaker: Aaron J. Roberts, Pharm.D., BCCP, BCPS
Title: Debate: Guidelines Should Be Based on RCT - Con
Institution: University of California, Davis Medical Center
City/State: Sacramento, CA
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Panel Discussion/Question & Answer – Part Two

5:55 PM to 6:15 PM


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