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Nephrology PRN Focus Session — Controversies in Diuretic Use in Chronic Kidney Disease

Monday, November 13, 2023 from 1:45 PM to 3:15 PM CST at Lone Star Ballroom C3

Available for 1.50 hours of CPE credit
Activity Number: 0217-0000-23-143-L01-P
Activity Type: A Knowledge-Based Activity

In this session, clinical experts will provide targeted updates on emerging evidence in nephrology regarding diuretics use that may improve patient care and clinical outcomes across the continuum of care. Diuretics include a wide range of drugs: carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, osmotic diuretics, thiazide diuretics, loop diuretics, potassium-sparing diuretics, and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists. This session will address controversies regarding their use in patients with decreased kidney function, review supporting literature, and apply information to patient cases to support best medication use practices.


Lavinia Salama, Pharm.D., BCACP, BC-ADM, CDEModerator: Lavinia Salama, Pharm.D., BCACP, BC-ADM, CDE
Title: Nephrology PRN Focus Session — Controversies in Diuretic Use in Chronic Kidney Disease
Institution: University of Wyoming/ UW Family Medicine Residency
City/State: Cheyenne, WY

Learning Objectives
1. Identify diuretics classes and common indications for their use in patients with chronic kidney disease.
2. Explain the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties that are likely to impact diuretic use in patients with chronic kidney disease.
3. Summarize scientific literature regarding the safety and efficacy of using diuretics in chronic kidney disease.
4. Recognize emerging literature regarding the use of diuretics in chronic kidney disease.
5. Select an appropriate diuretic for patients with chronic kidney disease based on the specific diuretics’ mechanism of action, adverse effects, and monitoring parameters.
6. Create a patient care plan for diuretic initiation, monitoring, and follow-up for individuals with decreased kidney function.

Review of Diuretics Classes Including Pharmacokinetic (PK) and Pharmacodynamic (PD) in Patients with CKD

1:45 PM to 2:30 PM
Mary Vilay, Pharm.D.Speaker: Mary Vilay, Pharm.D.
Title: Review of Diuretics Classes Including Pharmacokinetic (PK) and Pharmacodynamic (PD) in Patients with CKD
Institution: University of New Mexico
City/State: Albuquerque, NM
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Thiazide Diuretics in Chronic Kidney Disease: "To Use or Not to Use?"

2:30 PM to 3:15 PM
Rebecca A. Maxson, Pharm.D., BCPSSpeaker: Rebecca A. Maxson, Pharm.D., BCPS
Title: Thiazide Diuretics in Chronic Kidney Disease: "To Use or Not to Use?"
Institution: Baptist Medical Center Princeton
City/State: Birmingham, AL
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