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Geriatrics PRN Focus Session — Aching While Aging: Comprehensive and Novel Approaches to Chronic Pain Management in Older Adults

Sunday, November 12, 2023 from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM CST at Lone Star Ballroom A1

Available for 1.50 hours of CPE credit
Activity Number: 0217-0000-23-135-L08-P
Activity Type: An Application-Based Activity

Chronic pain management can be challenging in older adults due to increased risk of adverse effects, multimorbidity, provider hesitancy, patient-perceived stigma, and barriers to care. Additionally, pharmacists may not be aware there are often services or programs available in communities that focus on social aspects of pain management to provide a more holistic approach to treatment. By the end of this session, participants will be able to summarize best practices for chronic opioid use, recognize the role of non-opioid medications, such as ketamine, the role of cannabis in the treatment of chronic pain, and identify psychosocial and ancillary services for equitable chronic pain management in older adults. This holistic approach includes mental health, social, physical, and collaborative support needs. Clinical pharmacists should be able to screen for these needs and refer patients to service providers and programs.


Elsen C. Jacob, Pharm.D., MS, BCGP, BCPS, CPPSModerator: Elsen C. Jacob, Pharm.D., MS, BCGP, BCPS, CPPS
Title: Geriatrics PRN Focus Session — Aching While Aging: Comprehensive and Novel Approaches to Chronic Pain Management in Older Adults
Institution: Pfizer

Learning Objectives
1. Summarize how changes associated with aging impacts the appropriate management of chronic pain in older adults.
2. Apply best practices for chronic pain management, including opioid and non-opioid therapies, and risk mitigation in older adults.
3. Examine the evidence supporting the use of unapproved therapies, including cannabis and ketamine, in the treatment of chronic pain in older adults.
4. Recommend the appropriate use of unapproved therapies, including cannabis and ketamine, for chronic pain management in older adults.
5. Explore the impact of social determinants of health on chronic pain treatment.
6. Recommend psychosocial and ancillary resources for older adults with chronic pain.
7. Develop a holistic pain management regimen in the older adult.

Pharmacotherapeutic Approach to Chronic Pain Management in Older Adults

4:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Lori A. Reisner, Pharm.D.Speaker: Lori A. Reisner, Pharm.D.
Title: Pharmacotherapeutic Approach to Chronic Pain Management in Older Adults
Institution: UCSF
City/State: San Francisco, CA

Recent Trends in Unapproved, Non-Opioid Treatment of Chronic Pain in Older Adults

4:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Danielle Fixen, Pharm.D., BCGPSpeaker: Danielle Fixen, Pharm.D., BCGP
Title: Recent Trends in Unapproved, Non-Opioid Treatment of Chronic Pain in Older Adults
Institution: University of Colorado School of Pharmacy
City/State: Denver, CO
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Incorporating Social Services for a Holistic Approach to Pain Management in the Older Adult

5:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Julianna M. Fernandez, Pharm.D., BCGP, BCPSSpeaker: Julianna M. Fernandez, Pharm.D., BCGP, BCPS
Title: Incorporating Social Services for a Holistic Approach to Pain Management in the Older Adult
Institution: The University of Houston College of Pharmacy
City/State: Houston, TX
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