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Infectious Diseases PRN Focus Session — Challenging the Dogma: Updates in Controversial Infectious Diseases Practices

Monday, November 13, 2023 from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM CST at Lone Star Ballroom A2

Available for 1.50 hours of CPE credit
Activity Number: 0217-0000-23-142-L01-P
Activity Type: A Knowledge-Based Activity

The Infectious Diseases PRN Programming Committee presents an education session focused on updates in controversial ID practices. Specific areas of focus for this session will include: 1) No strings attached: Early transition to oral antibiotics or long acting lipoglycopeptides for deep-seated infections 2) To treat or not to treat: management of urinary tract infections in geriatric patients and patients with altered mental status 3) Don’t call it a comeback: Updates in the management of recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection. The target audience for this session are pharmacists and pharmacy trainees (students, residents, fellows) practicing in all areas including, but not limited to, ID, clinical services, inpatient settings, ambulatory care, outpatient settings, long-term care, and administration.


David W. Kubiak, Pharm.D., BCIDP, BCPSModerator: David W. Kubiak, Pharm.D., BCIDP, BCPS
Title: Infectious Diseases PRN Focus Session — Challenging the Dogma: Updates in Controversial Infectious Diseases Practices
Institution: Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA
City/State: Hopkinton, MA

Learning Objectives
1. Define pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles of intravenous and oral antibiotics necessary for target attainment in deep-seated infections.
2. Discuss data-driven approaches for the transition to oral and long-acting intravenous antibiotics for deep-seated infections.
3. Describe the challenges with urinary tract infection (UTI) management in the geriatric population and/or those with altered mental status.
4. Discuss various UTI treatment strategies and recommendations for this patient population.
5. Describe the nuances of initial treatment selection of oral vancomycin versus fidaxomicin for the treatment of Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI).
6. Discuss patient-specific factors for agent selection for prevention and treatment of recurrent CDI.

No Strings Attached: Early Transition to Oral Antibiotics or Long-Acting Lipoglycopeptides for Deep-Seated Infections

3:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Esther Y. Golnabi, Pharm.D., BCIDPSpeaker: Esther Y. Golnabi, Pharm.D., BCIDP
Title: No Strings Attached: Early Transition to Oral Antibiotics or Long-Acting Lipoglycopeptides for Deep-Seated Infections
Institution: UT Southwestern Medical Center
City/State: Dallas, TX
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To Treat or Not to Treat: Management of UTIs in Geriatric Patients and Patients With Altered Mental Status

4:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Spencer H. Durham, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCIDP, BCPSSpeaker: Spencer H. Durham, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCIDP, BCPS
Title: To Treat or Not to Treat: Management of UTIs in Geriatric Patients and Patients With Altered Mental Status
Institution: Auburn University Harrison College of Pharmacy
City/State: Arab, AL
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Don’t Call It a Comeback: Updates in the Management of Recurrent Clostridioides Difficile Infection

4:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Natasha Pettit, Pharm.D., BCIDPSpeaker: Natasha Pettit, Pharm.D., BCIDP
Title: Don’t Call It a Comeback: Updates in the Management of Recurrent Clostridioides Difficile Infection
Institution: University of Chicago Medical Center
City/State: Chicago, IL
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