American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Drug Information PRN and Pharmaceutical Industry PRN Business Meeting and Networking Forum

Monday, November 13, 2023 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM CST at Dallas Ballroom D1

The meeting will commence with an opening welcome at 6:00 PM, featuring a call to order and introductions to mark the official start of the meeting for the DI and PI PRNs. The first 15 minutes will be dedicated to the establishment of the gathering and the recognition of attending members.

From 6:15 to 6:35 PM, the DI PRN's Secretary and Treasurer will present their reports, followed by a brief report by the Chair-elect. These presentations will provide important updates about the DI PRN's operations, financial health, and strategic direction.

The stage will then be given to the student travel awardee at 6:36 PM. This segment will highlight the awardee's achievements, and a presentation from the awardee will provide insights into their work and research.

Next, at 6:50 PM, we will welcome the incoming leaders for the 2023-2024 term. This segment will be an opportunity to meet and greet the new faces that will be leading the PRNs in the coming year.

Following the DI PRN presentations, the PI PRN's Secretary and Treasurer will then provide their reports from 7:00 to 7:10 PM, followed by the Chair-elect's report from 7:10 to 7:20 PM. Similar to the DI PRN, these reports will update attendees about the PI PRN's activities and strategic initiatives.

Starting from 7:20 PM until the end of the meeting at 8:30 PM, there will be a networking segment coupled with a committee sign-up. This is a great opportunity for attendees to interact, sign up for volunteer opportunities, lead discussions on potential topics, and verbalize ideas for the next year's meeting. The meeting will conclude with discussions about the PRN initiatives for the next year, aimed at strategizing for future plans and objectives.


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