American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Stress, Life-Balance, Positivity, Well-Being, and Measuring Success in Your Life

Tuesday, November 14, 2023 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM CST at Lone Star Ballroom A4

Available for 2.00 hours of CPE credit
Activity Number: 0217-0000-23-037-L04-P
Activity Type: An Application-Based Activity

All Annual Meeting registrants are welcome to attend this session.

For many of us, stress, an imbalanced life, lack of perceived well-being and too much negativity are self-induced.  Even when negative outside influences are dominant in our lives, we may overly dwell on them causing unnecessary stress and increased imbalance in our lives.  This principle-centered session will emphasize ways to minimize stress, create a more effective balanced life, improve our well-being, and maximize positivity.  Using these four criteria, participants will more be able to more effectively chose the important criteria for measuring success in their lives.  Additionally, less stress, a better-balanced life, a sense of well-being and focusing on positivity will make individuals more efficient and effective leaders and managers. 

Please note: If attendees are enrolled or plan to enroll in the Leadership and Management Academy, this session counts toward Academy credit. In order to receive Leadership and Management Academy credit, Academy enrollees must sign in during the session.


Robert E. Smith, Pharm.D.Speaker: Robert E. Smith, Pharm.D.
Title: Stress, Life-Balance, Positivity, Well-Being, and Measuring Success in Your Life
Institution: Auburn University
City/State: Pima, AZ

Learning Objectives
1. Construct a personal plan to improve life-balance and to decrease stress in his/her life.
2.Describe the concept of life-balance and how it might differ from Work-Life Balance.
3. List and describe the five areas of “well-being” and assess how they relate to your life.
4. Describe how leading and managing your life may decrease stress and improve life-balance.
5.List five practices to improve the positivity in your life. Based on your personal mission statement, describe how you will measure success in your life.


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