American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Are you planning to pursue postgraduate training in the next year or two? If so, make plans to attend ACCP’s 2024 Annual Meeting Recruitment Events.

During the Residency and Fellowship Poster Showcase on Saturday, October 12 and Professional Placement Forum Meetings on Sunday, October 13 and Monday, October 14, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Submit your CV and candidate profile online for hiring representatives to view in advance
  • Meet with preceptors, program directors, and administrators seeking candidates
  • Learn more and ask questions about each available position
  • Submit an early bid for highly coveted positions

How to Participate in the ACCP Annual Meeting Recruitment Events

Step 1: There is no additional fee to participate in the recruitment events, but you must be registered for the annual meeting.

Step 2: Prior to the annual meeting, complete your profile and upload your CV. You can choose to provide contact information so interested recruiters can contact you before the meeting. This very important step gives program representatives a chance to review your information in advance.

Complete Candidate Profile Video

Step 3:See a list of positions that will be showcased during the annual meeting. The position listings include detailed descriptions, application deadlines, showcase poster number, contact information for recruiters, and an opportunity to sign up for a sit-down meeting. A limited number of slots are available. Select your favorites and create your personal agenda.

Search Position Listings Video

Step 4: Attend the residency, fellowship, and graduate program poster showcase on Saturday, October 12th from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. MST

Make a good impression – prepare for the showcase by doing your homework on the program(s) of interest. Ask informed questions of program representatives.

Step 5: If you have signed up for meetings, attend the professional placement forum on Sunday and/or Monday morning from 8:30 – 11:00 am MST to meeting with programs.

Meeting slots are limited so sign up early.

Helpful Resources

Questions? E-mail [email protected]


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