American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Affinity Groups Building Session

Monday, October 14, 2024 from 10:45 AM to 11:45 AM MST

Affinity groups are intended to represent social identity frameworks versus personal or professional interests (e.g. practice areas), and create additional opportunity for interaction with ACCP members who may share similar self-identified personal/social traits.

Initial groups identified by the DEIA Task Force include: Black or African American, Latino/a/x, Asian/Pacific Islanders, Middle Eastern/North African, LGBTQIA+, Disabilities/Chronic Illness. The Task Force recognizes this list is only a starting point and there will likely be other dimensions of diversity that would benefit from an Affinity Group in the future. Each of the initial groups will have a dedicated roundtable during this session to discuss workplace challenges, desired support and resources, expectations, and shared experiences. Facilitators at each roundtable will take notes to help inform Affinity Group implementation within the College.