American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Emerge from the Crowd is a one-day virtual workshop that is designed for first-, second- and third-year pharmacy students planning to pursue postgraduate residency training. Residency applicants must learn how to stand out in a highly competitive environment. The workshop will engage students in interactive sessions on discovering the multiple career options for clinically trained pharmacists to determine a path that is right for them, acquiring letters of recommendation that will boost their application, and writing an effective letter of intent.

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Breaking the Zoom Ice


Christina Madison
Christina Madison
Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Roseman University of Health Sciences Founder and CEO, The Public Health Pharmacist, PLLC Las Vegas, Nevada

Clinical Pharmacy Career Options: Charting Your Journey

Discover where your skills and talents align with potential clinical pharmacy career paths. Then chart a course to reach your goal.


Uncover your skills, talents, and passions.
Research different career paths within clinical pharmacy.
Chart a course to reach your goal position.


Kayla Bartel
Kayla Bartel

PGY1 Pharmacy Resident

James A. Haley Veterans Hospital

Allison Flores
Allison Flores

PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency

University of Southern California

Jenna Januszka
Jenna Januszka

PGY2 HIV/Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Resident

University of Illinois Chicago

Mujtaba Mahmud
Mujtaba Mahmud

PGY1 Pharmacy Resident
UW Medicine

Resident Panel Discussion

A panel of current residents will be available to answer your questions. Learn about a day in the life of a PGY1 or PGY2 resident, interview questions to expect, how to research and select a residency program, what to expect from the Match and Post-Match process, and more. 


Deborah Bondi
Deborah Bondi

Pediatric Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator and NICU Clinical Pharmacy Specialist

University of Chicago Medicine, Comer Children's Hospital

Chicago, IL

Acquiring Letters of Recommendation: Best Practices

Acquiring strong letters of recommendation starts before December of your P4 year. Learn how to select APPE rotations, build relationships with preceptors, and request effective letters of recommendation.


Strategically schedule your APPE rotations.
Optimize your APPEs for learning and relationship building.
Request effective letters of recommendation that will enhance your residency application.


Scott Nei
Scott Nei

Program Manager of Experiential Education

Assistant Professor of Pharmacy, College of Medicine; Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine

Mayo Clinic Hospital – Rochester, Minnesota

Letter of Intent Writing

Discover the rules for the letter of intent, an important piece of your residency application. Find out how your letter of intent can engage the reader and help you rise above other residency candidates.


Describe the purpose of a LOI.
Discuss content, format and organization of a professional LOI.
Review and evaluate sample letters of intent.


Q & A

Registration will open February 1, 2023.


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