American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Residency, Fellowship, Graduate Program Candidates Frequently Asked Questions

Q:    I'm not quite ready to apply for a postgraduate training program but would like to attend to learn more. Do I still need to submit a candidate profile if I am not ready to apply?

A:    Yes. Submitting your candidate profile gives hiring representatives an idea about who you are and where you are in your career. It also tells them what your intentions are, i.e. whether you are looking for a particular position or if you are inquiring about their programs in general. Please note that program representatives have limited time available at the meeting. Be respectful of those seeking 2023/2024 positions by limiting your questions and interactions to a few minutes.

Q:    Is this event for current students?

A:    Yes. Current students and residents who will enter residency or fellowship programs in 2023 are encouraged to attend. All the positions posted begin in 2022, so those seeking positions beginning in 2023 should receive the highest priority.

Q:    How do I prepare for the Showcase? What should I bring?

A:    Determine which program posters you would like to visit by reviewing position listings AND going to that program’s website to learn more. Be sure to come prepared with informed questions for recruiters. With time and space limitations, it is best to focus on specific questions rather than general inquiries. Use the poster #s to identify where each program poster is located in the poster hall. You may wish to bring a printed copy of your CV, with your contact details, for the program representatives. Additionally, bring your phone or mobile device in case recruiters provide a QR code to invite you to schedule a meeting with them during the professional placement forum.

Q:    I am presenting a poster at the same time the poster Showcase is occurring. What do I do?

A:    Program representatives will have the ability to hang their posters beginning at 10:30 am. You may be able to connect with a program representative before the official start time. If there is a particular program that you would like to visit, you may wish to reach out to that position’s onsite contact prior to the meeting. Explain the overlap and ask if they are available to talk with you at another time during the meeting. Chances are, your poster won’t be far from the Showcase posters – if possible, request that a co-investigator stay present at your poster for a 30 minute block to allow you time to visit with a few, priority programs.

Q:    Is there a list of programs that I can access before the meeting?

A:    A detailed list of positions, programs and program representatives is available at the Professional Placement Forum webpage.

Q:    How long should I stay at each poster?

A:    There are usually over 200 students and residents waiting to talk to program directors. We encourage you to spend no more than 5-7 minutes at each poster. If you run out of time, ask the program director if they are available to talk with you at another time during the meeting.

Q:    What if I can’t make it to the Showcase?

A:    If you are unable to make the Showcase, you may choose to contact program representatives to request an alternate meeting time during (or after) the annual meeting.

Q:    Will I have the opportunity for a sit-down meeting with program representatives?

A:    You might! Each program has a limited number of appointments available to interested candidates. Recruiters will have to make tough decisions about which candidates to invite to those meetings. If you are invited – that’s great- sign up for a slot right away and show up on time with educated questions. If you are not invited – don’t worry – the meeting spots are limited, and programs may choose to prioritize their meetings in any number of ways. In either case, follow-up with the recruiters after the meeting to thank them for their time and indicate your ongoing interest.

Q:    What do I do if I’m invited for a meeting?

A:    Program representatives have limited meeting slots. If you are invited, they will provide you with a custom link or QR code to schedule an appointment. If you are interested in the position, you should make every effort to select an appointment slot right away! This should be easily accomplished from your mobile phone, tablet, or computer. Once your appointment is confirmed you will receive specific instructions on the location. Arrive on time and come prepared with informed questions.

Other questions? Please e-mail [email protected]


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