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Critical Care PRN Focus Session -- Back to the Future of Critical Care Pharmacotherapy

Saturday, October 15, 2022 from 1:45 PM to 3:15 PM PDT at Continental Ballroom 5

Available for 1.50 hours of CPE credit
Activity Number: 0217-0000-22-153-L04-P
Activity Type: A Knowledge-Based Activity

The purpose of this programming is to elevate emerging areas for innovative critical care practice and to stimulate discussion for future research collaborations through increased clinical pharmacist knowledge of innovative pharmacy practice models, therapeutic drug monitoring, and digital/artificial health.
Mojdeh S. Heavner, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCCCPModerator: Mojdeh S. Heavner, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCCCP
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Learning Objectives
1. Identify innovative critical care pharmacy practice models and strategies for implementation.
2. Describe various extracorporeal modalities and their effect on the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of drug therapy.
3. Discuss the role and utility of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) in patients receiving extracorporeal therapies.
4. Describe integration of models of digital health technologies to optimize care provided in the ICU.
5. Discuss artificial intelligence (AI) applications and technologies available for use in the ICU and the role of the pharmacist in the research, development and implementation of AI tools.

Critical Care Pharmacy Practice Models of the Future

1:45 PM to 2:15 PM
Andrea Sikora, Pharm.D., FCCP, FCCM, BCCCPSpeaker: Andrea Sikora, Pharm.D., FCCP, FCCM, BCCCP

Clinical Associate Professor | Critical Care Pharmacist
The University of Georgia College of Pharmacy
Augusta, GA  

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Great Scott! Is there a role for therapeutic drug monitoring in patients receiving extracorporeal therapies?

2:15 PM to 2:45 PM
Melissa Lynn Thompson Bastin, Pharm.D., Ph.D., FCCP, FCCM, BCCCPSpeaker: Melissa Lynn Thompson Bastin, Pharm.D., Ph.D., FCCP, FCCM, BCCCP

Critical Care Pharmacist, Medical Intensive Care Unit/Pulmonary
Assistant Adjunct Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science
University of Kentucky HealthCare
University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy

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The Future is Now: Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence in the ICU

2:45 PM to 3:15 PM
Todd N. Brothers, Pharm.D., BCCCP, BCPSSpeaker: Todd N. Brothers, Pharm.D., BCCCP, BCPS

Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice

The University of Rhode Island

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