American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Moving Forward with Remote Experiential Education

Saturday, October 15, 2022 from 9:45 AM to 11:15 AM PDT at Continental Ballroom 4

Available for 1.50 hours of CPE credit
Activity Number: 0217-0000-22-146-L04-P
Activity Type: An Application-Based Activity

This session will have 3 speakers who will present a variety of active and engaging learning methods and examples that can be utilized remotely and adapted to the teaching and service needs of a variety of precepting pharmacists. This engaging session will help preceptors build a toolbox by sharing active learning techniques for a variety of practice settings and virtual platforms. It will spark ideas for active rotational learning that preceptors can apply, while highlighting the unique aspects of various practice sites and levels of learners.

Through this session, a series of presenters will share ways that they have been able to make experiences come alive for students across the distance using innovative means that can be replicated in other settings. The use of simulation tools and collaborative rotation design will be discussed. The use of voice and video telehealth models/platforms along with their facilitators and barriers while incorporating learners will be delineated. And finally, the use of technology to allow for remote experiential education that can expand care to rural, underserved, and marginalized populations will be explored, allowing to make a meaningful experiential impact without travel. This session will share a variety of methods that can benefit many pharmacy clinicians and educators.
Emily K. Flores, Pharm.D., BCPSModerator: Emily K. Flores, Pharm.D., BCPS

Learning Objectives
1. Discuss challenges encountered with the delivery of traditional IPPE and APPE rotations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. Construct simulation tools that may be utilized to teach patient care concepts when patients are not available.
3. Analyze the innovative structure of collaborative rotations spanning across many pharmacies, schools of pharmacy and rotation types.
4. Evaluate commonly used voice and video telehealth models/platforms used in health care settings.
5. Analyze facilitators and barriers to effectively incorporating learners into telehealth driven patient care (barriers to EMR access, etc).
6. Discuss strategies used to effectively incorporate learners in telehealth team-based patient care.
7. Describe approaches to remote experiential education that have been utilized around the world.
8. Delineate opportunities to utilize technology in expanding care to rural, underserved, and marginalized populations.
9. Discuss opportunities to catalyze global/international experiential rotations through technology without travel.

Novel Teaching Methods for When Patients are Not Available

9:45 AM to 10:15 AM
Mary Douglass Smith, Pharm.D.Speaker: Mary Douglass Smith, Pharm.D.

Director of Experiential Education, Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy

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Integrating Telemedicine into APPE Education

10:15 AM to 10:45 AM
Korey Kennelty, Pharm.D.,  Ph.D., BCGPSpeaker: Korey Kennelty, Pharm.D., Ph.D., BCGP

Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science
College of Pharmacy
Department of Family Medicine
Carver College of Medicine
University of Iowa

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Expanding to New Frontiers in APPEs with Technology

10:45 AM to 11:15 AM
Melody Ryan, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCGP, BCPSSpeaker: Melody Ryan, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCGP, BCPS
University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy
Lexington, Kentucky

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