American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Leadership Primer, I

Saturday, October 15, 2022 from 1:45 PM to 5:45 PM PDT at Continental Ballrooms 1-3

Available for 4.00 hours of CPE credit
Activity Number: 0217-0000-22-225-L04-P
Activity Type: An Application-Based Activity

Part of the Leadership and Management Academy core programming, this foundational module is designed to provide participants with an introductory background in organizational behavior theory and fundamental philosophical concepts of leadership. Several definitions of leadership will be explored and discussed, together with philosophical leadership thought. This module is meant to further stimulate each participant to seek additional study and experience in this area. Material covered will involve the principles and concepts prevalent from the early 1900s to the 21st century.
To receive credit toward a certificate of completion, participants must claim live CE credit for attending the session.

Peter D. Hurd, Ph.D.Speaker: Peter D. Hurd, Ph.D.
Professor and Department Chair, Pharmaceutical and Administrative Sciences, St. Louis College of Pharmacy, St. Louis, Missouri
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Robert E. Smith, Pharm.D.Speaker: Robert E. Smith, Pharm.D.
Professor Emeritus, Harrison School of Pharmacy, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
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Learning Objectives
1. Create meaning and reflection for your own leadership development path.
2. Discuss the importance of personal integrity and character in effective leadership.
3. Discuss the impact of too much or too little leadership and/or management on different types of organizations.
4. List the personal characteristics most people want in their leaders.
5. Describe the basics of organizational behavior.
6. Apply concepts and theories from organizational behavior literature to pharmacy settings.
7. Describe the various attributes of leadership.
8. Discuss the need for change in pharmacy practice environments.
9. Describe the various components of the Transtheoretical Model as it relates to leadership.
10. Apply the principles within the Transtheoretical Model to various practice settings.
11. Define leadership in terms used by various individuals.
12. Describe the various attributes of leadership.
13. Apply Blake and Mouton's work on motivation to various practice settings.


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