American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course is ideal for pharmacy professionals preparing for the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) Pharmacotherapy Specialty Examination, for Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialists seeking recertification through continuing education, and for those seeking a self-paced refresher of pharmacotherapy topics.
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ACCP Spring Forum Preparatory
Review and Recertification Courses
April 23–24, 2022

The Pharmacotherapy Course provides a comprehensive review of the knowledge domains outlined in the BPS Pharmacotherapy Specialist Examination Content Outline. In addition to recorded lectures, the course materials include a detailed workbook complete with self-assessment questions and patient cases with explained answers.

The Pharmacotherapy Course will be held live in St. Louis April 23–24, 2022. Programming will be recorded and will be available to registrants for on-demand viewing.

Nationally recognized experts and practitioners in pharmacotherapy serve as the faculty for the Pharmacotherapy Course.

The Pharmacotherapy Course is designed to help pharmacists who are preparing for the Board of Pharmacy Specialties certification examination in Pharmacotherapy as well as those seeking a general review and refresher on disease states and therapeutics.

The program goals for the Pharmacotherapy Course are as follows:

  1. To present a high-quality, up-to-date overview of disease states and therapeutics;
  2. To provide a framework to help attendees prepare for the specialty certification examination in pharmacotherapy; and
  3. To offer participants an effective learning experience using a case-based approach with a strong focus on the thought processes needed to solve patient care problems in each therapeutic area.

The Pharmacotherapy Course provides up to 26.25 hours of continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credit and BCPS recertification credit.