American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Joins with Broad Coalition of Pharmacy Organizations in Sharing Actions Taken Against Racial Injustices

October 09, 2020

ACCP joined other professional pharmacy organizations today in issuing an update on the actions the organizations have taken against racial injustices. This update is a follow-up to the joint statement against racial injustice released on June 5, 2020.

Recognizing that systemic racism and discrimination continue to contribute to racial and health inequities, the update highlights how pharmacy organizations have begun to take action to ensure that the care provided by pharmacists upholds the highest standards:

“We have engaged in intentional dialogue, listened and learned from one another, and committed to addressing the crisis of racism directly."

"As professional societies, we seek to be accountable to our words by taking action to promote social justice, peace, and healing within our communities."

The update details the collective actions taken to date, those in progress now, and many yet to be implemented. ACCP members have already seen evidence of the College’s commitment to ensuring that ACCP employs practices that embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion in a strategic, meaningful, and enduring fashion in its recently released strategic plan.

ACCP is proud to be part of this important work and shares the optimistic vision of what can be achieved:

"The collaborative spirit permeating within our profession is weaving new threads that embrace diversity, honor humanity, and support people of color and other marginalized populations. Through these efforts we seek to ensure that pharmacists and pharmacies uphold the highest standards of care for all."



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