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ACCP Report

Daniel Nam Named 2013–2014 ACCP-ASHP-VCU Congressional Healthcare Policy Fellow

Daniel J. Nam

Daniel J. Nam of Floral Park, New York, has been named the 2013–2014 ACCP-ASHP-VCU Congressional Healthcare Policy Fellow. The fellow program, which is now in its seventh year, provides pharmacists with unique insights into health care policy analysis and development under the auspices of the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) School of Pharmacy in collaboration with ACCP and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP). The current fellow, Derrick Griffing, Pharm.D., MPH, is a health policy fellow for Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), who serves on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

Nam earned his B.S. degree in pharmacy from St. John’s University School of Pharmacy in 2003 and is a J.D. candidate for the class of 2013 from St. John’s University Law School. Nam currently practices as a pharmacist at New York Presbyterian Hospital/Morgan-Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York. Previously, he owned and operated an independent community pharmacy, concentrating on programs for increasing health literacy and access for minority patients.

Nam will begin the fellow program on September 1. After a structured orientation to Congress from VCU faculty and the Brookings Institution, Nam will spend 1 month with the ASHP government affairs and policy team and 1 month with the ACCP government and professional affairs staff. In November, he will begin working as a policy fellow on a congressional committee or with the personal staff of a U.S. senator or representative.

More information about the ACCP-ASHP-VCU Congressional Healthcare Policy Fellow Program is available at