American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Save the Date for the 2013 ACCP Virtual Poster Symposium

Mark your calendar for the second annual ACCP Virtual Poster Symposium to be held May 21–22, 2013. Posters will be on display May 21 and 22 for asynchronous viewing and comment. In addition, two interactive sessions will be scheduled on May 21 and 22, when authors will be available for real-time online question-and-answer sessions alongside their virtual posters. The technology required for attendees is minimal—a broadband Internet connection, a current browser, and Skype (free software). To register for the ACCP Virtual Poster Symposium, go to, log-in, and click on the link “Register for ACCP Virtual Poster Symposium.” Registration is free to all ACCP members.