American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Registration Now Available for ACCP’s Webinar: “Developing Effective Test-Taking Skills”

ACCP Online Classroom

Join ACCP for an interactive webinar about test-taking skills and board certification. This webinar, Developing Effective Test-Taking Skills, will be held on Thursday, July 18, 2013, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (EDT), and again on Thursday, July 25, 2013, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (EDT). Register for this webinar at

The webinar will focus on explaining how standardized tests are written and constructed, developing appropriate techniques for answering standardized questions more accurately, identifying common issues in test-taking that may be hurting your performance, and analyzing your test-taking performance to improve accuracy, pacing, and endurance. This activity is designed for clinical pharmacists preparing to take any of the Board of Pharmacy Specialties examinations as well as for faculty members interested in learning more about standardized test development.

The program will be presented by Martin and Jane Jolley, nationally recognized experts in standardized exam preparation, who have been helping residents and students review and prepare for Medical Licensure Examinations for over 25 years. More than 3000 residents and students have taken their courses with a success rate well above 90%. The Jolleys have assisted residents and medical students in a variety of therapeutic areas, and they have worked at, and developed programming for, the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of California’s San Francisco, Davis, and Los Angeles campuses.

The cost of participation is only $99.95 for all ACCP members and $149.95 for ACCP nonmembers and is complimentary to anyone who purchased an Ambulatory Care Pharmacy or Pharmacotherapy Preparatory All-Access Pass (either in conjunction with Updates in Therapeutics® 2013 or as part of the All-Access Pass for the home study package). However, participation in the webinar is limited, so register now. Registration closes Wednesday, July 17, 2013, at midnight (CDT).