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ACCP Report

Virtual Poster Symposium Best Poster Competitions Won by Lopez and Golubovic

The winner of the Best Poster Award from the 2014 Virtual Poster Symposium was selected on Wednesday, May 21, 2014, during the 2014 Virtual Poster Symposium. The winner of the Best Student and Resident Poster Award was selected on Tuesday, May 20, 2014. Poster finalists in both categories were required to give a 6- to 8-minute presentation via Skype as well as participate in a 3- to 5-minute question-and-answer session with the judges. In all, 146 abstracts were presented during the Virtual Poster Symposium. Of these, 58 were reports of original research, 34 described innovative clinical pharmacy services, and 54 were resident and student submissions. In addition, several papers were encore presentations of work given in abstract form at other scientific meetings.

Lauren Lopez
Lauren Lopez

Lauren Lopez from Grant Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio, won the Best Poster Award for “Quality and Economic Impact of an Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Intervention on Procalcitonin (PCT) Utilization at a Community Health System in Central Ohio.” Dr. Lopez’s coauthor on the poster was Sara Jordan, also from Grand Medical Center. Lauren Miller from the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, was the runner-up in this category. Dr. Miller’s coauthors were Brian Erstad and Kurt Weibel, also from the University of Arizona. The other finalists in this category were Elaine DePrang from Medical Center Hospital, Odessa, Texas; Virginia Fleming from the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy, Athens, Georgia; and Lianne Kokoska from Harper University Hospital, Detroit, Michigan.

Bojana Golubovic
Bojana Golubovic

Bojana Golubovic from the University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, won the Best Student and Resident Poster Award for “Prediction of Tacrolimus Dose Based on Estimated Clearance Using Population Pharmacokinetic Approach in Adult Kidney Transplant Patients.” Ms. Golubovic’s coauthors were Dragana Radivojevic, Sandra Vezmar Kovacevic, Milica Prostran, and Branislava Miljkovic, also from the University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia. The other finalists in this category were Diogo Mendes from the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, and Anthony Shaver from the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.

Finalists from both the Best Poster and Best Student and Resident Research-in-Progress Poster competitions will present their research during the Scientific Platform Presentations at the 2014 Annual Meeting. The 2014 Annual Meeting will be held October 12–15, 2014, in Austin, Texas. Each winner will receive a plaque at the 2014 ACCP Annual Meeting and a $500 ACCP gift certificate to help offset travel expenses associated with attending the 2014 Annual Meeting. Serving as finalist judges for the two competitions were Carolyn Brackett, Margaret Noyes Essex, Brian Hemstreet, David Hoff, Keith Olsen, and Ralph Raasch. Abstracts for all 2014 Virtual Poster Symposium presenters are available in the June issue of Pharmacotherapy

The next abstract award competition will be held at ACCP’s 2014 Annual Meeting. The deadline for submitting abstracts for the Annual Meeting is June 16, 2014, in the Original Research, Clinical Pharmacy Forum, and Resident and Fellow Research-in-Progress categories. The deadline for submitting abstracts for the Student Submissions and Late Breaker categories is July 2, 2014. ACCP is now accepting abstracts at