American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Enroll in the Research and Scholarship Certificate Program to Develop Clinical Research and Scholarly Abilities

ACCP Academy

The Research and Scholarship Certificate Program is an educational program aimed at developing basic clinical research and scholarly skills. The program integrates research theory with practical applications while involving the participant in scholarly work early in the curriculum. Participants are challenged to explore individual professional research and scholarly activity goals in order to make the experience as relevant as possible within their respective professional contexts.

The Research and Scholarship Certificate Program curriculum includes 20.0 hours of core modules and 4.0 hours of elective programming. The core modules are as follows:

  • Prerequisite Module: Research Primer (4 hours)
    Delivered at the ACCP Annual Meeting
  • Module No. 1: Research Basics (4 hours)
    Delivered at the ACCP Annual Meeting
  • Module No. 2: Statistical Issues (4 hours)
    Delivered at ACCP’s Updates in Therapeutics®
  • Module No. 3: Regulatory and Ethical Issues (4 hours)
    Delivered at ACCP’s Updates in Therapeutics®
  • Module No. 4: Extending Your Research Tool Kit (4 hours)
    Delivered at ACCP’s Updates in Therapeutics®

For complete information on each module’s learning objectives, pre-assignments, portfolio activities, and mentoring requirements, please click here.