American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Benefits of Joining the ACCP Practice-Based Research Network (ACCP PBRN) REGISTER ONLINE TODAY!

If you are an ACCP member involved in direct patient care or have access to patients for research purposes, we welcome you to join the online Registry and enter your practice information today. The Registry is free to all ACCP members. You can also register as an existing PBRN, if applicable. Ultimately, those who comprise the Registry will determine which research questions the ACCP PBRN will address; consequently, registration is vital to all interested ACCP members.

By participating in the PBRN, members will (1) enjoy the satisfaction that comes from contributing to new medical knowledge and strengthening the research base of the profession; (2) develop a venue for collegial interactions and exchange of ideas with fellow clinical pharmacist-investigators; (3) share an opportunity to engage students, residents, and fellows in clinical pharmacy PBRN research; and (4) expand their research portfolio, broaden their scholarly experience, and choose their level of participation in—and hence their time commitment to—any PBRN research study.

New FAQs regarding the ACCP PBRN have been recently added to the Web site. Visit to learn more about this exciting opportunity. Begin your registration today.