American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Critical Care Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Home Study Courses Released

Do you plan to take the Critical Care Pharmacy or Pharmacotherapy specialty exam this fall, but find it difficult to start reviewing? Are you uncertain of your understanding of some of the key concepts that may be covered on the specialty exam? If so, take advantage of the 2019 home study version of the Critical Care Pharmacy or Pharmacotherapy preparatory review and recertification course to fully prepare! Both home study courses are designed to help pharmacists by offering a convenient, up-to-date, high-quality, case-based, inclusive curriculum with a strong focus on the thought processes needed to solve patient care problems in each therapeutic area. Instructional materials for both courses are available today at

Advantages of purchasing an ACCP preparatory review course include:

  • Access to a comprehensive (more than 700 pages), detailed workbook in a PDF file that covers key content areas.
  • Access to more than 250 case-based questions and explained answers for effective learning and self-assessment.
  • Access to streaming audio/slide synchronized presentations and downloadable/printable PDFs of presentation slides.
  • Convenience of studying from your home, office, or anywhere you have Internet access or can listen to MP3 or MP4 audio files.
  • Access to fast-paced, yet comprehensive reviews of the full scope of the specialty.
  • Your ability to start studying immediately!

Packaged instructional materials include the content above and are priced at $425 for ACCP members. For those who want a printed copy, print workbooks are available at the ACCP member price of $165.

To receive continuing pharmacy education credit for any of the home study packages, you must successfully complete and submit the appropriate attestation statements by April 26, 2022. Learning objectives, faculty disclosures, target audience, program goals, and technical requirements are available at

You may order these review and recertification courses online at or by telephone at (913) 492-3311.