American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Now Available: ACCP's Suite of Specialty Recertification Credit Options

Of the 12 specialty practice areas recognized by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties, ACCP offers BPS-approved recertification programs in eight specialties: Pharmacotherapy, Critical Care Pharmacy, Pediatric Pharmacy, Ambulatory Care Pharmacy,1  Cardiology Pharmacy,1 Geriatric Pharmacy,1 Infectious Diseases Pharmacy,1 and Oncology Pharmacy.1 Recertification opportunities in each specialty are available year-round. Current opportunities for recertification credit are numerous:


PSAP 2019 Book 1 (Cardiology PSAP 2019 Book 1: Cardiology focuses on evidence-based management strategies for a wide range of common cardiovascular disorders. This product contains three learning modules offering a total of 18.5 BCPS recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is July 15, 2019.
PSAP 2019 Book 2 (Current Issues in Pharmacotherapy) PSAP 2019 Book 2: Current Issues in Pharmacotherapy focuses on evidence-based management strategies for a wide range of disorders, with a central theme for most of the program revolving around the management of the immunocompromised host, but also branching out into an assessment of other pertinent topics in pharmacy practice today. This product contains three learning modules offering a total of 15.0 BCPS recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is November 15, 2019.
2019 Updates in Therapeutics®: Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course The 2019 Updates in Therapeutics®: Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course is ideal for pharmacy professionals who are preparing for the Pharmacotherapy Specialty Certification Examination administered by BPS and for those seeking a self-paced review and refresher of disease states and therapeutics. This course offers a total of 24.0 BCPS recertification credits across six modules. The recertification test deadline is October 15, 2019.
PSAP in JACCP The Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (JACCP) offers members a possible 1.5 credits from the new PSAP in JACCP feature. This interactive case, developed for pharmacotherapy specialists and advanced-level clinical pharmacists caring for patients receiving treatment with factor products, is free to ACCP members. Click here to purchase the related posttest for BCPS credit. The recertification test deadline is August 15, 2019.


Critical Care Pharmacy

CCSAP 2019 Book 1 (Infection Critical Care) CCSAP 2019 Book 1: Infection Critical Care provides evidence-based updates for pharmacists caring for patients with common infective disorders. This product contains three learning modules offering a total of 16.5 BCCCP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is September 16, 2019.
2019 Updates in Therapeutics®: Critical Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course The 2019 Updates in Therapeutics®: Critical Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course is ideal for pharmacy professionals who are preparing for the Critical Care Pharmacy Specialty Certification Examination administered by BPS and for those seeking a self-paced review and refresher of disease states and therapeutics. The course offers a total of 18.5 BCCCP recertification credits across five learning modules. The recertification test deadline is October 15, 2019.


Pediatric Pharmacy

PedSAP 2019 Book 1 (Pulmonology) PedSAP 2019 Book 1: Pulmonology presents evidence-based updates for the management of several common pulmonary disorders in neonates and older pediatric patients. This product contains three learning modules offering a total of 16.5 BCPPS recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is September 16, 2019.


Ambulatory Care Pharmacy1

ACSAP 2019 Book 1 (Pulmonary Care)

ACSAP 2019 Book 1: Pulmonary Care presents evidence-based updates on the management of drug therapy for older adult and ambulatory care patients with pulmonary disease. Book modules cover treatment guidelines from a variety of organizations and publications, as well as nonpharmacologic remedies. This product contains three learning modules offering a total of 13.5 BCACP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is September 16, 2019.

Practice Management Strategies to Deliver CMM If you are interested in learning more about comprehensive medication management and its impact on practice management, the Practice Management Strategies to Deliver CMMwebinar is an ideal resource. This on-demand webinar offers 2.0 BCACP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is May 31, 2019.


Cardiology Pharmacy1

CardSAP 2019 Book 1 (Heart Failure) CardSAP 2019 Book 1: Heart Failure describes the pharmacotherapy that forms the cornerstone of treatment of this syndrome and its subsequent comorbidities, as well as the management of major cardiovascular conditions closely associated with this syndrome. This product contains three learning modules offering a total of 13.0 BCCP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is November 15, 2019.
2019 Cardiology Pharmacy Specialty Recertification Literature Study 2019 Cardiology Pharmacy Specialty Recertification Literature Study provides immediate access to peer-selected, contemporary articles that are relevant to cardiology pharmacy practice. This release contains two learning modules, “Antithrombotics/Antiplatelets” and “Critical Care Cardiology and Endocarditis,” offering a total of 8.0 BCCP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is October 22, 2019.


Geriatric Pharmacy1

2019 Geriatric Pharmacy Specialty Recertification Literature Study The 2019 Geriatric Pharmacy Specialty Recertification Literature Study provides immediate access to peer-selected, contemporary articles that are relevant to geriatric pharmacy practice. This release contains three learning modules, “Immunizations in the Elderly,” “Anemia in Heart Failure,” and “Osteoporosis,” offering a total of 15.0 BCGP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is October 15, 2019.


Infectious Diseases Pharmacy1

IDSAP 2019 Book 1 (HIV and Hepatitis) IDSAP 2019 Book 1: HIV/Hepatitis focuses on evidence-based management strategies for a wide range of common viral and opportunistic infections. This product contains three learning modules offering a total of 15.0 BCIDP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is October 22, 2019.
2019 Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Specialty Recertification Literature Study The 2019 Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Specialty Recertification Literature Studyprovides immediate access to peer-selected, contemporary articles that are relevant to infectious diseases pharmacy practice. This release contains two learning modules, “Clostridium difficile Infection Guidelines” and “Infectious Diseases Potpourri,” offering a total of 8.0 BCIDP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is October 22, 2019.


Oncology Pharmacy1

2019 Oncology Pharmacy Specialty Home Study Syllabus for Recertification Vol. 1 Offered twice a year, the 2019 Oncology Pharmacy Specialty Home Study Syllabus for Recertification consists of a collection of journal articles that focus on advances across the four domains of oncology specialty practice. Volume 1 contains two learning modules offering a total of 9.0 BCOP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is July 30, 2019.
CAR T-cell Therapy in 2019: Evolving Treatment and Management Strategies CAR T-cell Therapy in 2019: Evolving Treatment and Management Strategies webinar focuses on preventing and managing toxicities associated with CAR T-cell therapy, the new consensus grading for cytokine release syndrome, and neurologic toxicities associated with immune effector cells. This on-demand webinar offers 1.5 BCOP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is November 12, 2019.


For statements of recertification credit, visit Questions regarding the number of hours required for recertification by continuing education should be directed to BPS at (202) 429-7591 or

The ACCP Recertification Dashboard is a free online tool that can track members’ recertification credits earned through ACCP as well as any upcoming products with credit availability. For more information on ACCP publications, visit

1ACCP offers these programs in cooperation with the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.