American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Advancing Clinical Pharmacy through Advocacy – How Does ACCP-PAC Represent You?

Consistent with all ACCP initiatives, ACCP-PAC is member driven and managed by a Governing Council, which is responsible for decisions related to how PAC money is spent. To expand on and develop member engagement in the PAC, the College recently launched an effort to recruit a PAC captain to represent each PRN. ACCP is excited about this opportunity to enhance members’ understanding of the PAC and how it supports the College’s overall advocacy efforts.

Despite frustration with the well-documented political dysfunction in Washington, ACCP is confident that the core policy driving its effort to establish Medicare coverage for comprehensive medication management (CMM) services is fundamentally sound. During many Capitol Hill visits, the College has experienced little, if any, objection to the policy position and messaging that CMM improves the quality of patient care by helping “get the medications right.”

Looking ahead to the remainder of the 116th Congress and the 2020 presidential elections, ACCP must provide support to ensure that these leaders remain in Washington and continue to advance policies that meaningfully address the nation’s current health care issues.

Political Action Committee (PAC) contributions are a constitutionally protected part of the U.S. political system under the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech. ACCP-PAC is the only means through which ACCP can financially support candidates for Congress. With its almost 17,000 members, ACCP could become one of the most prominent pharmacy PACs in Washington. To do this, the College needs the widespread support of its membership. All ACCP members are asked to consider donating at least $25 to ACCP-PAC. CLICK HERE to support your PAC today.