American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

JCCP Meeting Focuses on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

ACCP is one of 13 national pharmacy organization members of the Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners (JCPP). JCPP serves as a forum on matters of common interest and concern to national organizations of pharmacy practitioners. Meetings are held quarterly and attended by the chief executive, elected president, and select staff of each organization. The responsibility for planning and chairing each meeting is shared and rotates among member organizations. The May 5, 2021, JCPP meeting was chaired by ACCP and focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

A diverse planning committee with representatives from seven pharmacy organizations was impaneled to develop the May 5 agenda. To provide background and context, pre-readings included the JCPP joint statement on racial injustice and Systemic Racism: Pharmacists’ Role and Responsibility. A pre-meeting survey was administered to chief executives of each member organization. The survey included questions to gauge perception of the current state of DEI in the profession and in professional organizations, to evaluate professional organization commitment and action to DEI, and to gather insights on JCPP’s role in DEI. The planning committee recommended that this meeting serve as the first session in an ongoing DEI-focused series at JCPP.

After an introduction and review of the survey results, the meeting agenda included three themes:

  1. Status of DEI in the Profession – a presentation of available DEI data across various segments of the profession:
  2. a. The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy presented DEI data for pharmacy students, graduates, and faculty.
    b. The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists presented available DEI data for pharmacy residents.
    c. An American Pharmacists Association Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science task force presented data from a gender equity survey of Pharmaceutical Sciences faculty.
    d. Pharmacy Workforce Center representatives presented DEI data from the National Pharmacist Workforce studies.
  3. Approach to Implementing DEI Efforts in a Professional Membership Society
  4. a. The CEO and president of the American Geriatrics Society shared their approach to implementing a large-scale effort focused on the intersectionality of age and race.
  5. Emerging Best Practices in Assessing DEI in Professional Organizations
  6. a. A DEI expert from the American Society of Association Executives shared examples of successful and ill-advised assessment strategies within professional organizations.

Throughout the meeting, small-group breakout discussions focused on identifying gaps in profession-wide DEI data and strategies for closing these gaps, as well as determining the role of and next steps for JCPP in addressing DEI within organizations and across the profession.

ACCP’s Role

ACCP staff are grateful to have had the opportunity to lead the May JCPP meeting focused on DEI and look forward to ongoing opportunities to lead and participate in DEI initiatives. Strategic direction 1.5 of the 2020 ACCP Strategic Plan states that the College will employ practices that embrace DEI to fully achieve its mission. An early effort in our DEI work included becoming a signatory of CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion. Our participation in CEO Action has led to significant learning and networking opportunities, including engagement with an active community group of associations. Since then, the ACCP Board of Regents has engaged in ongoing complex and difficult conversations about equity, respect, diversity, and inclusion; participated in professional development focused on DEI principles; worked with ACCP staff to develop and implement the ACCP Code of Conduct and attestation statement; engaged with a consultant with expertise in DEI; and drafted a strategic DEI plan. Among next steps will be administering an assessment to improve understanding of member diversity as well as inclusion experiences within ACCP. The College remains steadfast in its commitment to embrace diversity and inclusion across the organization and to influence positive changes across the profession.