American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Promoting Community-Based Clinical Pharmacy

ACCP is working to enhance and expand engagement with clinical pharmacists in the community setting. The 2020 ACCP Strategic Plan includes a strategic direction to support clinical pharmacy in community pharmacy settings. This strategic direction has the following objectives:

  • By 2021, create enhanced opportunities within ACCP for clinical pharmacists practicing in community pharmacy settings.
  • By 2022, identify, document, and expand collaborations between community pharmacy–based pharmacists and office/clinic-based pharmacists.
  • By 2022, support research that focuses on the impact of collaborations between community pharmacy–based pharmacists and office/clinic-based pharmacists.

After release of the 2020 Strategic Plan, ACCP impaneled a Community-Based Practice Advisory Panel (CBPAP). This group is charged to provide ACCP with insight and formal recommendations regarding the aforementioned strategic goals. The CBPAP is chaired by Board of Regents (BOR) President-Elect Leigh Ann Ross. Panel members include Cody Clifton, Kelly Cochran, Stefanie Ferreri, Caitlin Frail, Melissa Somma McGivney, and Margie Snyder. The CBPAP has so far held five meetings and provided three reports to the ACCP BOR. Priorities identified by the CBPAP include both short- and long-term strategies.

Short-term strategies recommended by the CBPAP include:

  1. Identification and planning of programming relevant to community-based practitioners at ACCP meetings, and
  2. ACCP staff and leadership participation in the Academia-CPESN Transformation (ACT) task force.

The Clinical Practice Forum held during the 2021 ACCP Spring Forum included an excellent session focused on successful collaborations between community-based pharmacists and pharmacists in both clinic- and hospital-based settings. In addition, development of an Annual Meeting program highlighting community pharmacy–based clinical pharmacy services in response to the COVID-19 pandemic is under way. President-Elect Ross and Amie Brooks (ACCP staff) routinely attend and participate in ACT task force meetings, allowing for networking and collaboration with community-based leaders and practitioners.

Long-term strategies recommended by the CBPAP include:

  1. Publication of resources for ACCP members interested in implementing community-based clinical pharmacy services and/or collaborating with clinical pharmacists in the community setting, and
  2. Implementation of a new Practice and Research Network (PRN) for clinical pharmacists in community-based settings.

Publications under consideration include a commentary on medication optimization in the community setting, expansion of the ACCP guideline titled “Collaboration Between Community Pharmacy–Based and Clinic-Based Pharmacists to Achieve Medication Optimization,” and a toolkit to provide resources to support pharmacist-pharmacist collaborations. The CBPAP concurs with member responses to the ACCP Strategic Plan survey, which concluded that a community-based PRN would allow for uniquely targeted programming, networking, research, collaboration, and leadership opportunities for community-based pharmacist members. To further explore the opportunity for a Community-Based PRN, the panel will survey the ACCP membership to gather the names and preferences of interested members. Please respond to the survey if you have interest in joining a prospective PRN.