American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Suzanne Nesbit to Represent ACCP on ASHP Commission on Credentialing

Suzanne A. Nesbit, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS, CPE, will succeed ACCP’s current appointee, Terry L. Seaton, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS, on the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Commission on Credentialing (COC) after the commission’s August meeting. The COC is focused on improving and ensuring the quality of more than 2,500 pharmacy residency training programs. Its work includes developing training program standards, performing on-site and electronic surveys to assess performance against the standards, and recommending a length of accreditation for each program evaluated to the ASHP Board of Directors. For more information about the COC, click here.

Seaton, a professor of pharmacy practice in the Division of Specialty Care Pharmacy at the University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy in St. Louis and a past president of ACCP, served as the College’s sixth appointee to the COC. When asked about his experience, Seaton responded:

I have immensely enjoyed my activities representing ACCP on the COC for the past 2 years. I have been very impressed with the high quality of work done by the COC, and the volume of work is truly amazing. The pandemic has dramatically impacted residency training and the accreditation process. Despite significant challenges, the COC has navigated the environment extremely well. I feel fortunate that I was able to work with the Commission during the dynamic time when the accreditation standards were being revised and updated. The COC hopes to disseminate those new standards in 2022 and expects them to go into effect in 2023.

When Seaton participates in the August COC meeting as the ACCP representative, Nesbit will attend as an observer. Observers are invited to participate in all aspects of the meeting, but do not yet vote on program accreditation/reaccreditation status or any other decisions related to new programs or initiatives. Nesbit is a clinical pharmacy specialist in pain management in the Department of Pharmacy and a research associate in the Department of Oncology and Center for Drug Safety and Effectiveness at the Bloomberg School of Public Health at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. She is also the residency program director (RPD) for the school’s PGY2 residency in pain management and palliative care.

Nesbit has been a residency preceptor for 30 years who became an RPD in 2000 when she started a new residency at the Akron General Medical Center. In 2007, she moved to Baltimore and began her current residency at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. In addition to her work as a preceptor and RPD, she has volunteered as a residency site surveyor for ASHP for almost 10 years. She served as president of ACCP in 2018–2019. When asked about becoming the next COC appointee, Nesbit replied:

I am looking forward to my role on the COC and having the opportunity to impact residency training from that perspective. I am happy to serve the College in this capacity.

In addition to the ACCP appointee, several other ACCP members currently serve as members of the 30-member COC, including the current COC chair, Julie Dagam, Pharm.D., FASHP, BCPS; Jennifer Hamner, Pharm.D., BCPPS; Jeff Huntress, Pharm.D.; Katherine Mieure, Pharm.D., BCPS; Kerry Pickworth, Pharm.D., FCCP; and Lonnie Smith, Pharm.D., FAST. Jean-Venable “Kelly” Goode, Pharm.D., FCCP, FAPhA, BCPS, serves as the current APhA appointee.