American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Programming at the 2021 Annual Meeting

We invite you to attend Annual Meeting programming designed to provide education, inspiration, and transparent communication related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within ACCP. With the goal of creating opportunities for professional development and important, difficult conversations, the Annual Meeting will include two DEI-focused sessions. We hope you join us as we continue our transformative work to ensure our actions align with our commitment to DEI.


The keynote presentation, “Creating an Inclusive Organization,” on Saturday, October 16, at 8:00 a.m. will focus on the importance of DEI within a professional organization and will include practical examples of how each of us can be part of the solution by embodying inclusion every day. You won’t want to miss this compelling and inspiring presentation by DEI expert Mona Ameli of Ameli Global Partnerships. Ameli will share her personal journey and encourage each of us on our own.

On Saturday at 3:30 p.m., Ameli will join Dr. Amie Brooks, ACCP’s director of strategic initiatives, to facilitate “Insights from the ACCP DEI Assessment: How to Embody Inclusive Leadership.” Brooks will provide a summary of DEI assessment results, and Ameli will describe how to tackle the key “blockers” of inclusion: unconscious bias and microaggressions. This is an opportunity to learn more about the status of ACCP’s DEI efforts and to deepen your understanding and application of inclusive leadership principles. Creating an inclusive organization requires every one of us. We hope you will join us.