American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP Launches the CMM Implementation Academy

Enrollment for the new ACCP Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM) Implementation Academy certificate program opens in July 2022! Designed to provide clinical pharmacists and clinical pharmacy administrators with the knowledge and skills to implement, enhance, or expand CMM services, this educational program will be delivered primarily via self-paced, on-demand modules developed by CMM experts and supplemented with live consultancy sessions.

The program is intended to be completed over 12–24 months as participants apply the information to implement, enhance, or expand CMM services in their practice sites. Throughout, essential CMM resources will be shared in a stepwise fashion to facilitate CMM implementation. Participants will identify and work with a program mentor to develop an online portfolio by completing application assignments for each module. This portfolio will include meaningful deliverables such as a business plan, collaborative practice agreement, and progress note template, among others.

CMM certificate program requirements consist of 20 hours of engagement in didactic content, completion of application-based portfolio assignments, and participation in two live (virtual or in person) consultancy/learning labs. Didactic hours will consist of on-demand videos with accompanying required readings and application-based portfolio assignments. Consultancy sessions will be held quarterly (two sessions required for certificate), with three sessions offered live via Zoom and one session provided in person at the ACCP Annual Meeting. These unique sessions offer participants an opportunity to receive expert discussion and guidance on real-world CMM implementation practice challenges. Among the many elective opportunities are sessions on pharmacist-pharmacist collaboration, CMM implementation in a specialty practice, and CMM implementation via telehealth. New elective opportunities will be offered at each ACCP Annual Meeting. Core modules are as follows:

  • Module 1: CMM Foundations
  • Module 2: Making the Business Case for CMM
  • Module 3: Developing Your Implementation and Measurement Plan
  • Module 4: Implementation, Evaluation, and Reporting

Although the program is designed to be completed in a stepwise fashion and applied in real time, participants will gain access to all program materials and can choose to complete any portion of the on-demand programming at any time. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the inaugural cohort – enrollment begins July 2022!