American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP Student Chapter Annual Report Submissions and Award Applications Due June 30

All ACCP student chapters are asked to submit their activities for publication in the Annual Report of Student Chapter Activities to ACCP no later than June 30. Submission of this report is required to maintain status as an official ACCP chapter. This report provides updated information about ACCP chapter members, officers, and faculty/student liaisons and chapter activities, including membership drives, professional development projects, and participation in ACCP student competitions. Click here to access the current Annual Report of Student Chapter Activities.

Student Chapter Awards

ACCP offers two awards to recognize the outstanding contributions of student chapters and their members: the Outstanding Student Chapter Award and the Outstanding Student Chapter Member Award. Complete information about these awards is available in the ACCP Student Chapter Guide.

Outstanding Student Chapter Award

Chapters that wish to be considered for this award are asked to submit an essay detailing the chapter’s activities and achievements during the past academic calendar year, using the evaluation criteria listed in the essay form as a guide. Click here to access the Outstanding Student Chapter Award application.

Outstanding Student Chapter Member Award

Each chapter is responsible for selecting its own outstanding student chapter member and submitting the member’s name to ACCP for recognition. ACCP has created an evaluation rubric for chapters to use in the selection process. Note: Each chapter’s Outstanding Student Member Award recipient will be entered in the chapter’s Annual Report.

Completed forms for the Outstanding Student Chapter and Outstanding Student Chapter Member awards must be submitted by June 30. Please address any questions about the Annual Report of Student Chapter Activities or the ACCP student chapter awards to [email protected].