American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Call for Late-Breaking Original Research

Important Dates:

  • Late-Breaking Original Research Submission Deadline
    • August 22, 2022: Submission deadline for Late-Breaking Original Research
  • Notification of Acceptance
    • September 5, 2022: Authors will be notified of acceptance or declination no later than this date.

There is still time to participate in the 2022 ACCP Global Conference on Clinical Pharmacy in San Francisco. ACCP is now accepting “late-breaking original research” abstracts through August 22, 11:59 p.m. (PST).

Authors of late-breaking papers with important results are invited to submit their late-breaking abstracts for consideration. This is an outstanding opportunity to present cutting-edge research! To review the complete submission instructions, guidelines, and review criteria, or to submit an abstract, visit

All late-breaking original research abstracts accepted and presented by the designated presenting author will have full-text abstracts published online in JACCP, an official journal of ACCP. All accepted abstracts will be published full text in the ACCP Meeting app.

Additional Information:

  • Authors of late-breaking papers will be notified of acceptance/declination no later than September 5, 2022.
  • All abstracts accepted and presented will have full-text abstracts published online in JACCP.
  • The person presenting the poster must be an author on the abstract and registered for the Annual Meeting.
  • Abstracts must summarize quantitative or qualitative findings from completed Basic, clinical, translational, dissemination/implementation, or educational research are examples of acceptable research. Topics should appeal to a clinical pharmacy audience and may include research in drug metabolism, education/pedagogy, health services, medication safety, patient/population outcomes, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacogenomics, pharmacology, or pharmacotherapy. Abstracts reporting in vitro or animal research are welcome.
  • Abstracts must be structured with the section headers of: Introduction, research question or hypothesis, study design, methods, results, and conclusions.
  • All abstracts have a 300-word count limit.
  • Abstracts will be evaluated on the basis of the merits of the research question/hypothesis, study design, originality, methods, data analysis, results, and conclusions.
  • Descriptions of planned research efforts or preliminary data will not be accepted.
  • A previously presented abstract may form the basis for a new abstract to be submitted for consideration in the Late-Breaking Original Research category if the previous abstract:
    • Was a descriptive report of planned research only,
    • Described preliminary results only and complete results are now available,
    • Was presented at a student, resident, or fellow conference focused on gaining presentation experience and/or formative feedback,
    • Was presented at an ACCP Chapter or PRN event, or if
    • Conclusions have been added/modified on the basis of a new hypothesis and data analysis of the original results database.

Important Dates:

  • Late-Breaking Original Research Submission Deadline
    • August 22, 2022: Submission deadline for Late-Breaking Original Research
  • Notification of Acceptance
    • September 5, 2022: Authors will be notified of acceptance or declination no later than this date.

To review the complete submission instructions, guidelines, and review criteria, or to submit an abstract, visit on the ACCP website.