American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Washington Report

ACCP-PAC: Building Strategic Alliances in Congress

Written by John McGlew
Director of Government Affairs


ACCP’s Political Action Committee (PAC) allows the College to participate in political campaign activities that strengthen its relationships with key policy-makers on Capitol Hill. Providing financial support to influential leaders helps raise the profile of clinical pharmacy and demonstrates ACCP’s ideological commitment to its core mission.

To maximize the impact of ACCP-PAC, the College must be strategic in targeting its limited resources on the health policy leaders best placed to advance the College’s agenda. Here’s how ACCP’s leaders decide who should receive financial support.

Consistent with all other ACCP initiatives, ACCP-PAC is member driven and managed by a Governing Council, which is responsible for decisions related to how PAC money is spent.

  • ACCP-PAC is nonpartisan – the College is committed to working with health policy leaders across all political parties and ideologies.
  • ACCP-PAC supports candidates on the basis of their alignment with ACCP’s mission to advance the profession and improve human health through research, training, and education.
  • ACCP-PAC strategically targets members of Congress who sit on committees with jurisdiction over health care. In the Senate, ACCP-PAC primarily supports members on the Finance Committee and the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee. In the House, ACCP-PAC focuses on those who sit on the Ways and Means Committee and the Energy and Commerce Committee.
  • ACCP-PAC is committed to transparency – all contributions are reported to the Federal Election Commission, and the information is available to the public.

Outlook for ACCP-PAC in 2022

Despite frustration with the well-documented political dysfunction in Washington, ACCP is confident that there is solid, fundamental support on Capitol Hill for the core policy driving its effort to establish Medicare coverage for clinical pharmacists’ services that optimize medication use for patients.

Looking ahead to the remainder of the 117th Congress and the 2022 midterm elections, there is a clear opportunity to raise ACCP’s profile on Capitol Hill by providing financial support for policy-makers who work to advance the College’s issues. It is vital that ACCP support these friends on Capitol Hill to ensure that leaders remain in Washington to advance policies that meaningfully address the health care issues the nation currently faces.

PAC contributions are a constitutionally protected part of the U.S. political system under the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech. ACCP-PAC is the only means through which the College can provide financial support for candidates for Congress. With its more than 17,000 members, ACCP is positioned to become one of the most prominent pharmacy PACs in Washington. To do this, however, the widespread support of ACCP’s membership is needed. If each ACCP member contributed just $25, ACCP-PAC would raise over $425,000. All ACCP members should consider contributing at least $25 to ACCP-PAC.

Click here to support your PAC today!