American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Introducing the ACCP Advocacy Miniseries

ACCP is excited to announce a new series of communications intended to further inform ACCP members of the College’s advocacy approach. These engaging media clips will describe ACCP’s advocacy strategies and address ACCP member inquiries on policy, payment reform, and practice advancement.

The first topic featured in the series will focus on ACCP’s involvement and leadership in the Get the Medications Right (GTMRx) Institute in a question-and-answer format. With the help of the Ambulatory Care PRN and its Advocacy Committee, ACCP will address member inquiries and further explain how its deep involvement in GTMRx is an essential part of the College’s advocacy work.

For additional information on the topics to be discussed in the advocacy miniseries or to submit a topic suggestion or inquiry, contact ACCP Director of Policy and Professional Affairs Kathy Pham at [email protected].