American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Member Recruiters

Many thanks to the following individuals for recruiting colleagues to join them as ACCP members:

  • Fahamina Ahmed
  • Hita Bhagat
  • Angela Bingham
  • Caylin Carson
  • Darrell Childress
  • Theodore Cory
  • Benjamin Cottongim
  • Bethany Crouse
  • Shannon Finks
  • Sara Gaines
  • Susan Hamblin
  • Elsen Jacob
  • Amy Knoblock
  • Joseph Kuti
  • Sarah Land
  • Patrick Leung
  • Erica Merritt
  • Cesar Munoz
  • John Papadopoulos
  • Rachana Patel
  • Hanna Phan
  • Gabrielle Procopio
  • Benjamin Pullinger
  • Christine Schumacher
  • Heather Torbic
  • Elizabeth Van Dril
  • William Vincent
  • Dragana Vlaski
  • Jim Winegardner
  • Samantha Wright
  • Crystal Zhou