American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Support for Clinical Pharmacy in Community-Based Settings

ACCP’s efforts to enhance and expand engagement with clinical pharmacists in the community setting support its mission to improve human health by extending the frontiers of clinical pharmacy. The ACCP 2020 Strategic Plan includes a strategic direction to support clinical pharmacy in community pharmacy settings. In July 2021, after a member interest survey, application, and successful approval by the ACCP Board of Regents (BOR), the Community-Based Practice and Research Network (PRN) was successfully launched. Dr. Margie Snyder serves as the PRN’s founding chair, Dr. Jennifer Bacci as chair-elect, and Dr. Chris Daly as secretary/treasurer. Among other achievements, these PRN officers have successfully impaneled PRN committees and conducted their initial business and networking meeting remotely as part of the 2021 Annual Meeting. PRN officers and members alike are enthusiastic about the opportunity for live networking and collaboration at the 2022 Global Conference.

I am very excited to bring our Community-Based PRN members together in-person for the first time ever at the upcoming ACCP Global Conference in San Francisco. We are particularly excited for our PRN focus session, engaging with ACCP members and other PRNs, and furthering our efforts to advance community-based pharmacy practice.

–Jenny Bacci

The 2022 Global Conference program includes the Community-Based PRN focus session titled “The Newest PRN on the Block: Where Do Community Pharmacists Fit in the Clinical Puzzle?” Moderated by Dr. Emily Eddy, the session will be delivered by expert faculty, including Drs. Rebecca M. Lahrman, Megan Smith, and Melissa S. McGivney. This session will include a discussion of patient care services delivered by community pharmacists, describe key elements for successful implementation of patient-centered community-based services, describe collaboration opportunities, and discuss future opportunities for expansion. In addition, the Community-Based PRN will hold its first live business and networking session at the Global Conference. PRN leadership will engage members to identify priorities for the coming year and is looking to amplify the expertise of ACCP members in community-based settings to develop high-quality clinical resources for prospective, new community-based members. ACCP members interested in implementing or enhancing community-based clinical pharmacy services and/or collaborating with clinical pharmacists in the community setting are encouraged to attend the PRN focus session and connect with current PRN leaders.