American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Join Us for Unique Global Conference Programming on Medication Optimization

We invite you to attend Global Conference sessions showcasing member expertise in achieving medication optimization in varied settings and patient populations. Join us Saturday, October 15, at 9:45 a.m. for a session moderated by Omolola Adeoye-Olatunde, Pharm.D., M.S., titled, “Successful Medication Optimization Services for Medically Underserved and Socially Disadvantaged Populations.” This session is designed for clinical pharmacists, students, and residents who wish to gain knowledge related to health disparities and practical strategies to address health care gaps and improve health equity through medication optimization services for medically underserved and socially disadvantaged populations. The first presentation by Cheryl Wisseh, Pharm.D., MPH, will provide a foundation by defining important terms, providing evidence of health disparities, and describing clinical pharmacist opportunities and responsibilities to address health inequities. Sonak Pastakia, Pharm.D., MPH, Ph.D., FCCP, BCPS, will then describe successful models of care and analyze clinical results of services incorporating social determinants of health in Kenya and the United States. In the context of telehealth services, Jon Easter, RPh, will share challenges and enabling factors for engaging medically underserved and socially disadvantaged patients together with strategies for the economic sustainability of these services. A panel question and answer with session speakers will allow an opportunity for further engagement with these experts in the field. This session is open to all Global Conference registrants and offers elective credit for the Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM) Implementation Academy in addition to traditional CPE credit.

Don’t miss the CMM Consultancy on Monday, October 17, at 3:30 p.m. This unique and engaging session format has received rave reviews from attendees at prior meetings. Drs. Todd D. Sorensen and M. Shawn McFarland will engage participants in problem-solving conversations on real-time practice implementation challenges presented by session participants. This will be an “all teach, all learn” session during which the collective experience and creativity of the participants will be used to identify strategies to address the participant challenges shared during several 15-minute case presentations. Whether you are a seasoned CMM provider or initiating a new CMM service, this session is for you.