American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at ACCP: Application of Value Filters

Achieving the goals articulated in the ACCP DEI Plan will require a longstanding commitment and consistent application of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) principles by ACCP members and leaders. It is incumbent on ACCP to provide resources and tools to help members develop and apply knowledge of these principles in their professional work within and outside the association. In addition to offering ongoing professional development opportunities in DEI, the 2023 ACCP DEI Task Force is developing a DEI toolkit. To supplement these resources and guide decision-making in the context of ACCP’s values – including the commitment to embrace diversity and inclusion – a set of essential questions to serve as “value filters” was developed (see the table that follows). This tool is the product of extensive professional development and complex conversations led by Ameli Global Partnerships (AGP) in collaboration with the ACCP Board of Regents (BOR) and staff. Through an exercise led by AGP, the five most-cited values of this leadership group emerged. These “top 5” values (left column of table that follows) are well aligned with ACCP’s longstanding core values (middle column). The filters (far right column) further describe application of the values and provide guidance for ongoing decision-making in their context. These filters represent questions that provoke consideration of each value as new initiatives are contemplated, routine decisions are made, or policies and processes are evaluated. Ideally, the filters are used and referenced on a frequent and ongoing basis by ACCP leadership and members in the course of routine operations. As one example of application, the value filters are reviewed at the beginning of each BOR meeting and referenced throughout discussion. ACCP members are encouraged to review and apply the value filters as they participate, serve, and lead within the organization.

The ACCP Value Filters tool is displayed in the quick reference table that follows, which is also available to all ACCP members within their account.





Integrity, honesty, reliability, and accountability

  • Does the decision or initiative reflect the essence of ACCP’s priorities (i.e., our “hedgehog”) and clearly contribute to developing, advancing, or positioning clinical pharmacists?


Commitment to challenge the status quo, state our beliefs, and act on them

  • Are we prepared to take responsibility for the outcomes of our actions, acknowledge any errors, and take the steps necessary to correct mistakes or remedy failures resulting from the decision?
  • Do we firmly believe in the foundation for a decision and possess the courage to act?


Commitment to embrace diversity and inclusion

  • Does this decision facilitate the removal of barriers to inclusive diversity, participation, funding opportunities, or leadership; is there any valid concern that it may adversely affect the College’s diversity and inclusiveness?


Dedication to excellence in patient care, research, and education

  • Will this decision or initiative reflect our dedication to excellence in patient care, research, or education?


Courage to lead while remaining responsive to the needs of members

  • For new decisions or initiatives, does the implementation plan include timely communication of the action itself and subsequent updates, results, or other significant developments?