American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

2023 ACCP Annual Meeting Call for Abstracts

Important Dates:

  • Submission Deadlines
    • June 15, 2023: Submission deadline for Original Research, Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analyses, Case Reports, Clinical Pharmacy Forum, and Advances in International Clinical Pharmacy Practice, Education, or Training abstracts
    • July 15, 2023: Submission deadline for Research-in-Progress abstracts (Students and Residents and Fellows)
  • Notifications of Acceptance
    • August 15, 2023: Authors will be notified of acceptance or declination no later than this date.

To review the complete submission instructions, guidelines, and review criteria, or to submit an abstract, visit on the ACCP website.

All abstracts accepted and presented by the designated presenting author, except for “Encore” and “Research-in-Progress” presentations, will have full-text abstracts published online in JACCP, an official journal of ACCP. Only the abstract title, authors, and original citation will be published for “Encore” presentations. All accepted abstracts will be published full-text in the ACCP Meeting app.

Abstract Categories:

Original Research: Abstracts must summarize quantitative or qualitative findings from completed research. Basic, clinical, translational, dissemination/implementation, or educational research are examples of acceptable research. Topics should be relevant to a clinical pharmacy audience and may include research in drug metabolism, education/pedagogy, health services, medication safety, patient/population outcomes, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacogenomics, pharmacology, or pharmacotherapy. Abstracts reporting in vitro or animal research are invited. Encore submissions are also welcome.

Clinical Pharmacy Forum: Abstracts must describe the delivery, justification, documentation, adaptability, and impact/significance of innovative clinical pharmacy services. Abstracts that address comprehensive medication management (CMM) implementation (see, address components of the ACCP Standards of Practice for Clinical Pharmacists, and/or describe efforts to develop, advance, or position clinical pharmacists to optimize patient care are encouraged. Abstracts may be descriptive and need not contain an evaluative component.

Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analyses: Abstracts must describe a systematic review adhering to the guidelines and definitions established by Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) and include the 12 items published in the PRISMA for Abstracts checklist. Encore submissions are also welcome. (Note: Systematic Reviews are not the same as literature reviews.)

Case Reports: Abstracts of case reports must update and expand therapeutic insights and possibilities or generate research hypotheses. Although narrative in nature, these abstracts must stress the “evidence” for the authors’ conclusions by describing the process followed to understand the findings and possible mechanisms involved in the patient’s case – as well as how the patient was evaluated and treated – and providing a specific description of the outcome. Encore submissions are also welcome.

Advances in International Clinical Pharmacy Practice, Education, or Training: Abstracts must describe the delivery, justification, documentation, and significance of clinical pharmacy practice, education, or training outside the United States. Abstracts may be descriptive and need not contain an evaluative component.

Residents and Fellows Research-in-Progress: Submission guidelines are the same as for an Original Research abstract except that the research effort must be ongoing at the time of abstract submission. The presenting author must be in a postgraduate training program (PGY1 or PGY2 residency, Ph.D./master’s graduate degree program, or fellowship training program).

Students Research-in-Progress: Submission guidelines are the same as for an Original Research abstract except that the research effort must be ongoing at the time of abstract submission. The presenting author must be a first-professional degree (Pharm.D. or BSPharm) student.

Encore Presentations: Submission and evaluation criteria are the same as for the Original Research, Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analyses, and Case Reports categories, except that the same abstract was presented elsewhere or published in abstract form only before this meeting. Abstracts submitted for Encore Presentations must not be modified from the previously presented/published version. This includes the title, authors, and abstract body. The presenting author may change but must be an author on the original abstract.

Important Dates:

  • Submission Deadlines
    • June 15, 2023: Submission deadline for Original Research, Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analyses, Case Reports, Clinical Pharmacy Forum, and Advances in International Clinical Pharmacy Practice, Education, or Training abstracts
    • July 15, 2023: Submission deadline for Research-in-Progress abstracts (Students and Residents and Fellows)
  • Notification of Acceptance
    • Authors will be notified of acceptance or declination by August 15, 2023.

To review the complete submission instructions, guidelines, and review criteria, or to submit an abstract, visit on the ACCP website.