American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Attention Students and Trainees: Apply for 2023 Annual Meeting Travel Awards

Have you thought about attending an ACCP meeting, but have limited financial resources available to cover your travel and registration costs? ACCP and its members want to help!

ACCP Student Travel Awards and Resident/Fellow Travel Awards enable students and postgraduate trainees to attend ACCP meetings by awarding travel stipends and/or complimentary meeting registrations. Apply online now for an award to attend the 2023 ACCP Annual Meeting in Dallas, Texas, November 11–14.

How to Apply
Students: Student members of ACCP who are full-time pharmacy students pursuing their first professional pharmacy degree are invited to apply for an award. Applicants are asked to submit a completed application, which includes a CV or resume, two letters of reference, and an essay detailing the applicant’s objectives for attending an ACCP meeting. All application materials should be submitted online here. The application deadline is September 8.

Residents/Fellows: To qualify, applicants must be current members of ACCP who are enrolled in a residency or fellowship/full-time graduate studies program at the time of the meeting. Applicants must submit a CV, an essay detailing the applicant’s objectives for attending an ACCP meeting, and a personal reference from the residency or fellowship program director or the director’s designee. All application materials should be submitted online here. The application deadline is September 8.

For more information on ACCP travel awards, contact [email protected].