American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Calling All Interested Practice/Research Skill Development Mentors: Immersive Mentored Skill Development Program (IMMERSE)

Pilot Project 2023

Congratulations to the Community-Based, Pediatrics, and Women’s Health PRNs. Each was randomly chosen from the seven PRNs that applied to participate in the Foundation’s new IMMERSE pilot program. The purpose of IMMERSE is to fund and facilitate focused opportunities for full members of ACCP to acquire new skills that will expand and/or enhance their clinical practice or research programs.

The three co-sponsoring PRNs are now recruiting mentors who can offer a Foundation-funded skill development experience to a PRN member and full member of ACCP.

Experience Design
Format/Duration: IMMERSE experiences may vary in length from a minimum of 5 days to a maximum of 4 weeks in person with or without supplemental on-demand learning modules/online components. Estimated program length and design should be described in the mentor’s application. The final experience plan will be determined by the mentor and participant trainee after the selection process is completed. Program experiences must be completed by September 30, 2024.

Funding: Each IMMERSE program offered during the pilot is eligible to receive up to $8000 in support from the Foundation. The mentor’s institution is eligible for up to $4000, and the participant trainee is eligible for up to $4000 to help defray the costs of participating. Participation costs may include, but are not limited to, supplies, transportation, lodging, and meal costs associated with the experience. A budget justification will be requested at the time the detailed IMMERSE experience plan is submitted.

Mentor Eligibility: Mentors must have an established clinical practice site or research program, generally with a minimum of 5 years’ practice and/or research experience.

Mentor Application Deadline – August 1, 2023

The following information is required:

  1. Brief description of advanced/unique clinical practice or research experience to be offered, including where the experience will take place, the estimated duration of the experience, and the rationale for serving as a mentor (500 words or less)
  2. Letter of support/approval from a department head/chair or equivalent unit administrator
  3. Curriculum vitae

Link to application:

Selection of Mentors Will Be Announced by August 15, 2023.

Outline/Timeline of Steps After Mentor Selection

  • Participant/Mentee Application Deadline – November 15, 2023 (application opens on September 1, 2023)
  • Selection of Participants/Mentees – by December 1, 2023 (mentor/mentee matches announced by December 15, 2023)
  • Program Timeline and Experience Details – due by February 1, 2024 (co-developed by mentor/mentee)
  • Program Experiences Complete – by September 30, 2024
  • Presentation of Program Experience at the 2024 ACCP Annual Meeting – October 12–15, 2024

For complete details, please visit